Expérience professionnelle (correction) (1)
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Message de francks11 posté le 17-10-2007 à 15:58:02 (S | E | F | I)
donc voilà, j'ai écrit un texte et je voulais savoir si tout
Hello everybody.
Now, I will present you one of my professional experience. It is my last year placement. I did my placement to the “Conseil Général du xxx” in Sxxx. During the placement, I had to improve a web application.
This application is an application which manages the missing of the agents of the “Conseil Général du xxx ”. It is only used by some departments, like the direction of information systems, one department of the human resources manager and one pole which manages the territory. So, there are around two hundred people who use this application. However, this application is temporary because it will be replacing by a purchase package in January 2009. (Why? Because the human resources manager has decided it).
This application already existed and was developed by two formers apprentices. The languages used for the development are VB.Net, ASP.Net, and the database is provided by SQL Server. Each access to the database is via the web service which contains all the methods which allow to interact with the database and all the methods trades of the application.
My missions were to correct all the bugs which are present in the application, to modify the part of the application which are not adapted for the users, and to develop the part of the application that have not been started. The various improvements were difficult because there are more fifty files an average of one thousand lines. Indeed, there are many files, and thus, before to improve a part of the application, we have to study and understand it.
Moreover, some tables in database are not appropriate and thus, we must develop a solution, which are not necessarily the best.
To conclude, the placement was very benefits. I gain technical skills and I have learn how the “Conseil Général” works.
For this apprenticeship year, I have decided to work again to “The Conseil Général du xxx” because I feel good there. There is good ambiance, no stress. My first project is to finish the management missing application and to put it in production.
je vous remercie d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 17-10-2007 16:01
Courrier professionnel / divers
Réponse: Expérience professionnelle (correction) de francks11, postée le 23-10-2007 à 22:22:55 (S | E)
help me please
Réponse: Expérience professionnelle (correction) de catbiker, postée le 24-10-2007 à 17:59:11 (S | E)
Heu, juste une interrogation sur la pertinence de conserver le nom "Conseil Général" sans le traduire à coté... Par expérience, le concept de conseil général* est aussi imperméable à un non-français que l'apprentissage du parachute pour un poisson....
Et que dire de l'explication à un étranger de l'utilité d'un conseiller général ? Non, je blague !