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The meaning of this proverb... (1)

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The meaning of this proverb...
Message de younes91 posté le 04-10-2007 à 17:32:43

The proverb says : Empty vessels make the most noise.
Can you explain its meaning to me ?
Thanks a lot
Modifié par bridg le 14-10-2008 22:12

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de nick27, postée le 04-10-2007 à 17:49:55
Basically it refers to someone who's stupid because they talk a lot and seem to be an expert on everything while they're not.

Hope this helps

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de willy, postée le 04-10-2007 à 17:50:11
Hello !

Here are "a few" explanations :

Lien Internet

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de lucile83, postée le 04-10-2007 à 17:51:31
Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss.

Lien Internet

See you

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de younes91, postée le 04-10-2007 à 17:57:54
Thanks a lot for your explanations

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de echo-meng, postée le 22-10-2007 à 04:56:34
In my opinion, it is to describe someone who is immodest and complacent. He/ She think he/she know everything on the Earth.

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de jamy05, postée le 22-10-2007 à 08:02:07
Hello Younes,
This proverb rings a bell to me : " Culture is like jam, the less one has, the more one spreads it."
See you

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de yanzi, postée le 26-10-2007 à 05:26:15
Hello,It's a Chinese proverb.^_^
"Empty vessels make the most noise.",
"Full vessels make no noise"
which means Those who are knowledgable behave modestly,while those who lack of wisdomness behave immodestly and are fond of showing off themselves.

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de merseburg, postée le 12-12-2007 à 15:02:25
In my opinion there is some confusion in these explanations
why you don´t try the technical purpose.
the empty vessels conduct more easily the sounds in side because of air
but when its full, the water decreases the sound conduction
that´s all. funny No?

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de williamengland, postée le 12-12-2007 à 17:59:16
Hello Youness,
Nick and Lucille are quite right. Plus Willy's links will give you all the info, and more, that you need.
Yantzi, Hello, I was fascinated to learn that this was originally a Chinese proverb
Hi Merseburg, proverbs are rarely if ever purely literal.

Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de deps002, postée le 12-12-2007 à 18:00:55
Can you giving your answers exatelly but this is a forum school for me.


Réponse: The meaning of this proverb... de moussa86, postée le 12-12-2007 à 21:47:11
poor men are more talkertive

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