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Asian ch Corres (1)

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Asian ch Corres
Message de chienthang posté le 13-09-2007 à 07:41:14 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everyone,

I'll introduce myself. I am Vietnamese, living in Hai Phong, a city in the nord of Vietnam. I used to be a French teacher in a secondary school. I have had to give up teaching French this year and have to teach English now. This worries me a lot because I have to use English during my lessons. I would like to find English native speaker correspondants. Perhaps, it is a good occasion for those who are interested in asian culture. I'll make you know more about our culture. All your responses are wellcome.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Modifié par micka le 13-09-2007 14:45


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