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Final 'ed' (1)

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Final 'ed'
Message de amigowhite posté le 09-09-2007 à 00:07:40 (S | E | F)

I would like to check an information about a course of phonetics : it is about the pronunciation of final "ed".
Regular verbs ending with ed are pronounced in three different ways /t / ,/d/ and /id /. According to the final sound before ed.My question is : how do we pronounce" ed" before the sound /dJ/ like the word changed ,is it pronounced : chandjt with t or chandjd with d ?
Thank you.

Modifié par bridg le 27-12-2007 22:13

Réponse: Final 'ed' de denzel, postée le 09-09-2007 à 00:26:35 (S | E)
In "changed", the final sound before the "ed" is voiced and a voiced sound always follows a voiced one in this position.
So,you pronounce : [nd] with a "d" sound.
Hopefully you got the point.

Réponse: Final 'ed' de amigowhite, postée le 09-09-2007 à 10:38:31 (S | E)
Hello denzel,thanks a lot for your kind help.May I ask you to give me the whole lesson of the pronunciation of final "ed" or just help me with a link wherte I can answer some phonetic questions.

Réponse: Final 'ed' de denzel, postée le 09-09-2007 à 12:45:13 (S | E)
Hi there!
Here is a link explaining this point :
Lien Internet

Hopefully you do understand French, if it isn't the case, then let me know and I'll give you an English version.
You could add to that lesson, what I've just published concerning voiced and voiceless sounds when dealing with "changed".
See you.

Réponse: Final 'ed' de amigowhite, postée le 09-09-2007 à 21:53:52 (S | E)
Hello denzel
First of all I want to thank you for the explanation(I understand French),I just want you to give me all the sounds that are pronouced /d/ .You spoke about voiced sound ,because if you don't know the rule and you try to pronounce naturally the word :changed it sounds chanjt.

Réponse: Final 'ed' de TravisKidd, postée le 10-09-2007 à 06:52:46 (S | E)
The voiced sounds are:
- all vowel sounds (including the semi-diphthongs involving R), +
- the consonants B, D, DH (as in this), G, J, L, M, N, V. Z and ZH (as in massage).

The word "changed" is not at all naturally pronounced /chānjt/, since this would require a cutting-off of the voice between the J and the T, and English doesn't naturally tolerate a change between a voiced and unvoiced consonant (or vice versa) without a vowel in between. Hence "changed" is pronounced /chānjd/.

The unvoiced consonents (except H) each have a voiced counterpart, to wit:

CH (J) - F (V) - K (G) - P (B) - S (Z) - SH (ZH) - T (D) - TH (DH)

The consonants R, W, and Y are semi-vowels. At the end of a word, W and Y do not occur (that is, as sounds), and R appears only as part of a semi-diphthong.

P.S. For various reasons, I prefer to use English-specific pronunciation notation rather than the IPA system. If you have any question about what sounds my letters refer to, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Réponse: Final 'ed' de sara1, postée le 10-09-2007 à 07:40:08 (S | E)
Hello ,
1.The final « ed » is pronounced “d” before all the sounds either vowel sounds or consonant sounds
Example: organized==>organiz/d/
Changed==>chang/d/==>It is pronounced with “d”

Except with these sounds:T,D,F,K,P,S,Sh,CH

2.The final “ed” is pronounced “id” after the sounds “t” and “d”

3.The final “ed” is pronounced “T”after the sounds”F” “K” “P” “S” “sh” “ch”
Example: produced==>produs/t/
Laughed==>lauf/t/.... . and so on with all the other sounds

Réponse: Final 'ed' de amigowhite, postée le 10-09-2007 à 17:50:40 (S | E)
Thank you very much ,it sounds clear now.Traviskid you explain like a and thank you Sara 1

Réponse: Final 'ed' de xecole, postée le 27-12-2007 à 21:25:31 (S | E)
So how do you pronounce these verbs?
finish, start, live, kiss, visit, love, close, want, wash, stop
/d/ live, love, close
/t/kiss, wash, finish, stop
/id/start, visit, want
As for irregular verbs, if you think you know them well, you can try to break the record at at Lien Internet

Modifié par xecole le 24-01-2008 14:47


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