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Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. (1)

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Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'.
Message de marit64 posté le 31-08-2007 à 00:04:28 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter "G".

1-What do you call the type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc? .............
2-It's an adjective meaning "close to green". .............
3-A synonym of "bile". ............
4-What do you call the eatable parts from inside a chicken etc, for instance, heart and liver? .............
5-It's the part of a car which has the gears in it? ............
6-A "G word" meaning the act or process of growing, increasing, developing etc. ............
7-When you talk about other people's affairs, not always truthful, you ........... .
8-What word means a deep, open cut or wound? .............
9-A noun used for blood, (especially when it is thick and solid). ............
10-What do you call the tube by which food passes from the mouth to the stomach? ............

Good luck and have fun. You'll get the answers next Wednesday.
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de good_doggy, postée le 31-08-2007 à 06:27:08 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Goggles
2 Greenish - greeny
3 Gall
4 Giblets
5 Gearbox –gear case
6 Growth - growing
7 Gossip
8 Gash
9 Gore
10 Gullet

Thanks a lot Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de TravisKidd, postée le 31-08-2007 à 10:12:28 (S | E)
10) esophagus ... (is there really a G-word for this?)

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de chrislondon, postée le 31-08-2007 à 11:21:15 (S | E)
Hi Marit.

1. goggles
2. greenish
3. gall
4. giblets
5. gearbox
6. growth
7. gossip
8. gash
9. gore
10. gullet
Thanks Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de iry43, postée le 31-08-2007 à 17:31:35 (S | E)
Hi marit64,

1. Goggles
2. Greenish
3. Gall
4. Giblets
5. Gearbox
6. Growing-Growth
7. Gossip
8. Gash
9. Gore
10. Gullet

Thanks a lot, marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de aaya, postée le 31-08-2007 à 23:47:56 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

1- goggles

2- greenish

3- gall

4- giblets

5- gear case

6- growth

7- gossip

8- gash

9- gore( a coagulated blood)

10- I suggest gullet and then gorge

Thank you Marit for help !

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de coferam, postée le 01-09-2007 à 16:38:41 (S | E)
Hello Marit64,

1 / Goggles
2 / Greenish
3 / Gall
4 / Giblets
5 / Gearbox
6 / Growth
7 / Gossip
8 / Gash
9 / Gore
10 / Gullet.

Thanks and good Sunday.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de phoebe35, postée le 01-09-2007 à 22:57:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit64, thanks for your game, I had a good time with it and tried to learn more, I have the same answers than the others because when I didn't find I kept one eye one the others'results....Thanks

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 6'. de marit64, postée le 06-09-2007 à 00:11:03 (S | E)
Hi everybody

for your good work. You're still the
Here are the answers:
1-goggles "lunettes de protection" 2-greenish "verdâtre" 3-gall "bile"
4-giblets "abats" 5-gearbox or gear case "boîte de vitesses"
6-growth "croissance" 7-gossip "commérer" 8-gash "balafre"
9-gore "sang coagulé" 10-gullet "oesophage".

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long


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