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Homecoming Weekend (1)

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Homecoming Weekend
Message de dewdrop posté le 29-08-2007 à 22:03:04 (S | E | F | I)

Hello !

Could you explain me, please, what is a "homecoming weekend" in a college ? What do you do in such event ? How often are there homecoming weekends ? Is it a party at school, if I dare say so ,
Thank you so much !

Modifié par bridg le 10-11-2007 12:53

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de TravisKidd, postée le 29-08-2007 à 23:14:46 (S | E)
Yes it is a festival where the alumni of the college are especially invited to revisit their alma mater. Specific celebrations vary, but in general during halftime of the (American) football game there (there are intercollegiate sports leagues in America), there is a pageant on the field in which the "homecoming queen" (who is a current female student, usually a senior, previously elected by all the current students) is announced.

Usually the school tries to schedule a weak football opponent for homecoming, because a loss on homecoming weekend tends to ruin the festive atmosphere.

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de blueyue, postée le 03-09-2007 à 10:37:15 (S | E)
i feel so sad!i never attend that!

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de amoctad, postée le 10-11-2007 à 11:26:21 (S | E)
In Africa, we don't know that.

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de zodiac97500, postée le 10-11-2007 à 11:40:00 (S | E)
bonjour TravisKidd

What does the word "Alumni" mean ?

Modifié par zodiac97500 le 11-11-2007 13:29

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de TravisKidd, postée le 13-11-2007 à 15:02:42 (S | E)
An "alumnus" (fem. "alumna", pl. "alumni", fem. pl. "alumnae") of a school is someone who used to be a student there.

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de zodiac97500, postée le 13-11-2007 à 17:51:39 (S | E)
Thank you Travis

Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de prof35, postée le 27-11-2007 à 23:28:31 (S | E)
hi there

Travis (or someone else) could you explain what "homecoming queen" means then in the Dido song "Don't think of me" :

"so you're with her, not with me,........
how lovely it must be with your homecoming queen"


Réponse: Homecoming Weekend de TravisKidd, postée le 28-11-2007 à 03:06:25 (S | E)
Well, normally (but not necessarily) the homecoming queen is the girl that the students vote "most beautiful" in the school. So I suppose that here "homecoming queen" simply means "most beautiful girl".

But if you want to know for sure, you'll have to ask Dido herself, and unfortunately I don't have her phone number.


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