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Join the (unlucky) club! (1)

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Join the (unlucky) club!
Message de soud1977 posté le 07-08-2007 à 09:17:20 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody!

Have you ever tried to contact a correspondant? Either the e-mail address is no longer valid, your e-mail is not read, or third possibility: the correspondant might think you're weird because you never get any reply ? If so: welcome to the "unlucky club", where members seem to chose the rainiest/coldest and most windy week in the summer to have their holiday!
Well, whether you are lucky or not, anyway I'd be glad if this time I could get at least one reply!
I'm looking for an English speaking correspondant, from England or Paris, it's fine, in order to improve my English, which is no longer fluent. If you wish to improve your French we can find an arrangement.
Hope to hear from you soon !
See you guys !
Modifié par mp27 le 07-08-2007 11:25
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-08-2007 14:43
Vous êtes membre du site depuis 1 jour 3 heures 57 minutes !!! un peu de patience ! et présentez-vous sous un jour moins "râleur"


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