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Looking for penfriends. (1)

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Looking for penfriends.
Message de killerstar posté le 26-07-2007 à 00:32:37 (S | E | F | I)

Helle and welcome!

I am 16 and I am looking for penfriends. I am learning English and German. I would like to correspond with people aged between 16 and 90. The main thing it is to have a dialogue, to improve me in my language learning, to discover new people and their culture. I wish to correspond with people from the following countries:
United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, The United States, India, China, Japan, Canada as well as the Pays-Basque... If you belong to one of these places, I would be delighted to get acquainted and very happy to start corresponding with you.. In exchange, I would make you discover France , my culture, and my way of life!
If you feel you fit into the people I am looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and send me a post on this topic.
I'll reply by private messages.

See you soon ...

* * *
¤ KillerStar ¤
Modifié par mp27 le 26-07-2007 00:36


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