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Message de marit64 posté le 31-05-2007 à 00:34:42 (S | E | F | I)
Find the words beginning with the letter "M".
1-What do you call a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens? ...........
2-It's a bag for letters. ...........
3-If you speak (words) in such a way that they are difficult to hear, you .......... .
4-An "M word" meaning a person (usually a trained nurse) who helps at the birth of children. ...........
5-A kind of hard, usually highly polished stone, cold to the touch. ..........
6-It's a noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. ...........
7-What do you call the international distress signal sent out by ships and aircraft? ...........
8-This word means a state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. ...........
9-What word means a small hard ball of glass used in children's games? ...........
10-A synonym of "humanity". ...........
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
Have a very good week.
So long,
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de mp27, postée le 31-05-2007 à 01:00:48 (S | E)
Hello marit!
1 - mould
2 – mailbag
3 – mumble / mutter
4 – midwife
5 – marble
6 – mob
7 – mayday (morse signal)
8 – mess
9 – marble
10 - mankind
Many thanks!
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de iry43, postée le 31-05-2007 à 06:10:10 (S | E)
Hi marit64,
1. Mould
2. Mailbag
3. Mumble
4. Midwife
5. Marble
6. Manifestation
7. Mayday
8. Mess
9. Marble
10. Manking.
Thanks a lot Marit,
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de good_doggy, postée le 31-05-2007 à 22:13:02 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
1 Mould
2 Mailbag, mail pouch
3 Mouth
4 Midwife
5 Marble
6 Mob
7 Mayday
8 Mess
9 Marble
10 Mankind
Thanks a lot Marit.
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de chrislondon, postée le 01-06-2007 à 22:16:46 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit,
1. mould
2. mail-bag
3. mumble/mutter
4. matron
5. marble
6. mob
7. may-day (Morse Code)
8. mess
9. marble
10. mankind
Merci Marit!
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de chrislondon, postée le 01-06-2007 à 22:17:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit,
1. mould
2. mail-bag
3. mumble/mutter
4. midwife
5. marble
6. mob
7. may-day (Morse Code)
8. mess
9. marble
10. mankind
Merci Marit!
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 5'. de marit64, postée le 07-06-2007 à 00:23:26 (S | E)
Hi everybody!
for your nice work! You're my
Here are the answers:
1-mould (moule) 2-mailbag (sac postal) 3-mumble or mutter (marmotter ou marmonner) 4-midwife (sage-femme) 5-marble (marbre) 6-mob (cohue, manifestation) 7-mayday (SOS) 8-mess (désordre, gâchis) 9-marble (bille)
10-mandkind (humanité).
for your participation.