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Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons, traductions...
Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.
Message de agny posté le 27-05-2007 à 12:42:23 (S | E | F | I)
Je dois
J'ai traduit mais je ne suis pas sûre
Je veux savoir si j'ai bien écrit
Professional ambitions
► To constantly expand my working knowledge and experience, staying up to date with the latest hardware and software innovations, via various projects carried on for professional clients.
► To become a high level software architect, taking projects with high responsibility and technical challenges, and managing a team of developers.
Modifié par bridg le 27-05-2007 12:56
Réponse: Pour un cv de agny, postée le 27-05-2007 à 13:07:46 (S | E)
Hello to all forum members,
I'm from Moldova and last day I rewritted my resume to appl for a new job opportunity that need applicants to send their CV in english.
I translated mine from romanian but because my english is not perfect, I wanted to know if someone is willing to check my CV for typo and grammar.
Best regards
Can you check up please the sentences?
Professional ambitions
► To constantly expand my working knowledge and experience, staying up to date with the latest hardware and software innovations, via various projects carried on for professional clients.
► To become a high level software architect, taking projects with high responsibility and technical challenges, and managing a team of developers.
Réponse: Pour un cv de jean31, postée le 27-05-2007 à 15:20:46 (S | E)
Hello Inga,
Your English looks perfect to me.
Yet, I would've used carried out instead of carried on.
That's about all.
Good luck.