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looking for an American penpal
Message de bertrand posté le 11-05-2007 à 14:52:00 (S | E | F | I)
Hello, I'm looking for an American penpal.
As you read, my poor English needs to be helped.
And I'd glad to help you to improve your French.
I like painting, reading, cinema, cooking, well, a lot of things.
I live near Lyon, France.
Don't hesitate to contact me,
Message de bertrand posté le 11-05-2007 à 14:52:00 (S | E | F | I)
Hello, I'm looking for an American penpal.
As you read, my poor English needs to be helped.
And I'd glad to help you to improve your French.
I like painting, reading, cinema, cooking, well, a lot of things.
I live near Lyon, France.
Don't hesitate to contact me,