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I need help: write a CV
Message de lizie posté le 26-04-2007 à 15:19:16 (S | E | F | I)

Nationality French
Date of birth
Marital status Single

Education / Qualifications

2004-2007 preparing the
Baccalauréat (the equivalent of US High School),specializing in Foreign languages.
2004 Brevet des Collèges.

Employment to date

2007 Made a training as commercial product manager for two international firmes.
2006 Girl in pair one the year abroad
2005 Translator during big sports events in France
2004 Disentangled for the brand of bag xxx


French: mother tongue
English: reasonable knowledge
Spanish: fairly good school level
German: intermediate level

Computer literate: familier with processing (Word) and spreadsheet (Excel) as well as E-mail and internet.

Music, dance and Study the foreign langages.
But by top everything,, I like the universe of to be Fashion.

can tell me my mistakes please???

ce CV doit répondre à cette demande d'emploi:
retail salesperson:
job location:XXX compagny- xxx island, california, United States

Modifié par bridg le 26-04-2007 16:36

Réponse: I need help: write a CV de marlond, postée le 26-04-2007 à 15:25:41 (S | E)
- two d's in English -Address

2004-2007 preparing the
Baccalauréat (the equivalent of US High School),specializing in Foreign languages.

- 'studying for' is better than 'preparing for'

2007 Made a training as commercial product manager for two international firmes.
- 'firms' in English

2006 Girl in pair one the year abroad
- Rephase

2004 Disentangled for the brand of bag XXX
- This doesn't make sense

French: moter tongue
- better: 'native speaker'

familier with processing (Word) and spreadsheet (Excel)
- 'familiar'
- 'word processing (Microsoft Word)'
- 'spreadsheets'

Music, dance and Study the foreign langages.
- 'studyING foreign languages' (no 'the')

But by top everything,, I like the universe of to be Fashion.
- the expression is 'to top everything', but it's a bit slangy and it means something slightly differnt for a CV. I'd just say 'especially'.

Modifié par bridg le 26-04-2007 16:39

Réponse: I need help: write a CV de lizie, postée le 26-04-2007 à 16:11:03 (S | E)

Nationality French
Date of birth
Marital status Single

Education / Qualifications

2004-2007 'studying for' the Baccalauréat (the equivalent of US High School), specializing in Foreign languages.
2004 Brevet des Collèges.

Employment to date

2007 Made a training as commercial product manager for two international firms.
2006 Girl in pair during two monts in the United States
2005 Translator during big sports events in France
2004 Model for a fashion show, representing the brandXXX


French: 'native speaker'
English: reasonable knowledge
Spanish: fairly good school level
German: intermediate level


Computer literate: familier with processing
(Word) and spreadsheet (Excel) as well as
E-mail and internet., 'word processing (Microsoft Word)'


Music, dance and Studying foreign languages.
Especially, I like the universe of the

est-ce mieux???? Fashion.

Modifié par bridg le 26-04-2007 16:41

Réponse: I need help: write a CV de lizie, postée le 26-04-2007 à 16:49:46 (S | E)
Pourriez-vous me dire mes erreurs please??!!!

September 23, 2007

XXX Compagny
XXX Island, California
United States

Dear Sir
I Read your ad on septembre 23, 2007 in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times and wish to apply for the job as a retail sales man.
I have just obtained my High School diploma with mention "good"; Thanks to the secondary school where I studied, I had the luck to be able to leave two months to United States of America, to make girl in pair.
As you can see from. My résumé,I have already worked in a shop.
I also have expérience of English-speaking countries since I stayed two months in last year, As girl in pair.
I have been studying English for 10years.
I look forward to hearing from. You soon.

My strong points are my oral communication, Indeed, I like exchanging with people. And, My dynamism. Besides, I am enterprising and I have the sense of the responsibilities

Nothing world give me gratter pleasure than to be of a busy team and to have a job in which I world become very involved.
I shall be happy to pro vide any further information you require and am available to come for an interview at any time. You will find enclosed my CV and copies of my placement références.
I am looking forward to recevoir tour reply.
Yours truly
Modifié par bridg le 26-04-2007 16:52
Conservez l'anonymat!!!

Réponse: I need help: write a CV de lizie, postée le 26-04-2007 à 18:19:22 (S | E)
pourriez-vous me dire si cette phrase est juste please

I have just obtained my High School Diploma with mention "good".


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