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I need your help!!!!!
Message de sarita posté le 17-04-2007 à 12:57:47 (S | E | F | I)


Could you, please, help me with the explanations about my experiment ?
English is my third language and it's very difficult for me ;
so, can you give me your opinion and correct my work ?

For the second experiment, we have made a(montage) electric composed by :
a battery
a switch
a little electric motor which on(sur lequel)we have hanged a circle of carboard(papier cartonné).
you can remark that we have divided the circle into eight colored :
yellow; red ; green ...

demonstration : when we press the button of the switch, the electric motor
makes turning the circle.And when the circle is in movement, you can't see all the colors but just one color : brown

explanation : because of the speed, the circle becomes one-coloured.

it's short because I have 2 experiments to explain.
thanks a lot for your help

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-04-2007 15:19

Réponse: I need your help!!!!! de vero75, postée le 17-04-2007 à 15:01:25 (S | E)
Hi, see if this helps you :

For the second experiment, we have made an electric assembling consisting of :
a battery
a switch
a little electric motor on which we have hanged a carboard circle.
you will notice that the circle is divided into eight colors :
yellow; red ; green ...

demonstration : when the switch button is pressed, the electric motor
turns the circle. And when the circle is in movement, all the colors blend into one color only : brown

explanation : because of the speed, the circle looks one-coloured.


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