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Message de droopy13 posté le 14-04-2007 à 17:30:18 (S | E | F | I)
Hello! My name is laura, I'm 16 years old and i would like to speak with an english boy (or girl) for improve my English. I can help you for learn french.
Réponse: Corespondant anglais de dany45, postée le 14-04-2007 à 18:57:08 (S | E)
Réponse: Corespondant anglais de amelie29, postée le 14-04-2007 à 19:02:17 (S | E)
hello ! my name is amélie,I'm 13 years old. I'm french.
Réponse: Corespondant anglais de droopy13, postée le 14-04-2007 à 19:14:50 (S | E)
dany45, I want well, sends to me by message private your msn adresse.
( I do not know if you understood it but I am French )
Réponse: Corespondant anglais de maryb, postée le 15-04-2007 à 11:21:29 (S | E)
I am benedicte. I will speak with you. My mom is an English teacher. When I was 4 I lived in Kansas. I went to las Vegas but I was too young so I don't remember. I enjoy to learn English because it's an international language so it's possible to exchange with everybody in the world. It's possible also to travel all around the world when you speak English.
If you want I would be glad if we can speak together.
bye bye I hope.