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Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'.
Message de marit64 posté le 12-04-2007 à 01:02:22 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter "D".

1-A word meaning the state of being dark. ............
2-What do you call a knob-shaped handle for opening and closing a door? ...........
3-It's a small hollow especially on the surface of the face. ...........
4-A verb meaning to remove water from or dry out. ...........
5-It's a kind of insect with a long body and double wings. ...........
6-What do you call a small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car? ..........
7-An adjective meaning not honest. ...........
8-When you put off to another time, you ........... .
9-A "D verb" meaning to sink in water and so suffocate and die. ...........
10-When you make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc., you ........... .

Good luck and have fun.
You'll get the answers next Wednesday.
Have a nice week!
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de mp27, postée le 12-04-2007 à 02:13:23 (S | E)
Hello marit64!
1- darkness
2- door knob
3- dimple
4- to drain
5- dragonfly
6- a dent
7- dishonest
8- you delay
9- drown
10- you doodle

Many thanks!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de iry43, postée le 12-04-2007 à 05:05:33 (S | E)
Hello marit,

1. Darkness
2. Doorknob
3. Dimple
4. To Drain
5. Dragonfly
6. A dent
7. Dishonest
8. to delay
9. To drown
10. Doodle

Thank you very much
Have a good week,marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de aaya, postée le 12-04-2007 à 09:37:26 (S | E)
1-A word meaning the state of being dark. ==== Darkness
2-What do you call a knob-shaped handle for opening and closing a door?===Doorhandle
3-It's a small hollow especially on the surface of the face.===dimple
4-A verb meaning to remove water from or dry out. ===to drain
5-It's a kind of insect with a long body and double wings.===dragonfly
6-What do you call a small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car? ===I haven't found it
7-An adjective meaning not honest. === Dishonest
8-When you put off to another time, you .==Delay
9-A "D verb" meaning to sink in water and so suffocate and die. ===Drown
10-When you make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc., you ===not found

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de nanette33, postée le 13-04-2007 à 00:20:44 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

1-A word meaning the state of being dark. darken
2-What do you call a knob-shaped handle for opening and closing a door? doorhandle
3-It's a small hollow especially on the surface of the face. ?
4-A verb meaning to remove water from or dry out. drain
5-It's a kind of insect with a long body and double wings. dragonfly
6-What do you call a small hollow made by pressure or a blow on a car? dent
7-An adjective meaning not honest. dishonest
8-When you put off to another time, you delay .
9-A "D verb" meaning to sink in water and so suffocate and die. drown
10-When you make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc., you doodle.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de good_doggy, postée le 14-04-2007 à 07:40:28 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Darkness
2 Doorhandle
3 Dimple
4 Desiccate
5 Dragonfly
6 Dent
7 Dishonest
8 Delay
9 Drown
10 Doodle
Thanks a lot Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'D words 5'. de marit64, postée le 18-04-2007 à 22:39:04 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

for your nice work.

Here are the answers:
1-darkness (obscurité) 2-doorknob, door handle (poignée de porte)
3-dimple (fossette) 4-dehydrate, desiccate (déshydrater)
5-dragonfly (libellule) 6-dent (bosse) 7-dishonest (malhonnête)
8-delay (retarder) 9-drown (se noyer) 10-doodle (griffonner distraitement).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long,

Modifié par marit64 le 19-04-2007 01:34


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