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Correspondant anglais
Message de flo34 posté le 16-03-2007 à 21:14:25 (S | E | F | I)
Hello! I am French and I search an English penpalfor in order to improve my English. I am 17 years old and I am French. Thank you!
Modifié par bridg le 16-03-2007 21:17
Message de flo34 posté le 16-03-2007 à 21:14:25 (S | E | F | I)
Hello! I am French and I search an English penpal
Modifié par bridg le 16-03-2007 21:17
Réponse: Correspondant anglais de dhoul, postée le 17-03-2007 à 13:44:27 (S | E)
Hi!I am dhoul from comoros and i search a person to correspond too for the same resons, improve my english.i am 20 years old,i am student.I am better, and you? are you student and what kind of it? In the next .