Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basMessage de here4u posté le 17-12-2024 à 15:42:03 (S | E | F)
Hello dear Friends!
🎄 🎅 Another easy exercice that everyone can do! 🎅 🎄
Je sais que l'Expression libre est la compétence la plus difficile à bien acquérir dans l'apprentissage d'une langue, même si elle est notre langue maternelle, d'ailleurs...
Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement. ) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !
Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.
1. Do you believe in Revenge?
2. Is there a person, or place that has particularly influenced you?
3. Is Helpfulness definitely 'out of fashion'?
4. Do you think money is the root of all evil?
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 150 mots.
Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une première série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… Une fois la première réponse corrigée au mieux, je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler de plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !
Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...
Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !) le mercredi 27 décembre 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 18-12-2024 à 21:49:48 (S | E)
Hello dears!
First ANSWER! A quick one!
Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? please indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy....
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody.
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings adding to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want to inflict to someone, not to forget the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm some one; therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
Though, it's not as if we have to let everyone who hurts us get away with it: the worst would be to keep our resentment unexpressed, but there must be some way to examine things from all sides: maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults (which is a challenge...) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions. 154 words
Merry Christmas to you!🎅🎄🎁
for your help!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 20-12-2024 à 22:56:15 (S | E)
No indications or comments?
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 21-12-2024 à 15:54:51 (S | E)
Hello dears,
On dirait que vous n'êtes pas très inspirés... et puis, quand je vois la course ici alors que je vais passer (je l'espère ) des Fêtes paisibles, je me dis que vous devez manquer de temps... alors pour vous guider un peu, voici mes indications.
ANSWER A: Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? Initial text and my preliminary indications.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody. (ponctuation à ajouter)
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings adding to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict to someone, not to forget the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (some one;(attention de rédiger de vraies phrases...) therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
Though, it's not as if (we have to let everyone who hurts us get away with itB : the worst would be to keep our resentment unexpressed, but there must be some way to examine things from (all sides:?? (can you explain?) maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults( (which is a challenge...) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions. 154 words
Très bonne expression ! - à vous de la rendre encore meilleure !
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de gerold, postée le 22-12-2024 à 08:40:24 (S | E)
Hello here4u
ANSWER A: Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? Initial text and my preliminary indications.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody. (ponctuation à ajouter)
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings will be added
Modifié par gerold le 22-12-2024 08:54
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 22-12-2024 à 15:37:54 (S | E)
Hello dears,
gerold pour toutes ces suggestions.
Je me demande si quelqu'un (ou quelqu'une ! ) pourrait remettre tout ceci "au propre", sans reprendre les erreurs et les suggestions les moins satisfaisantes. Ce serait plus satisfaisant, et facile à lire pour tous.
ANSWER B tomorrow morning.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de magie8, postée le 23-12-2024 à 07:50:45 (S | E)
Hello Merci à Gerold pour son aide et Merci here4u
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody.
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings WILL BE ADD to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict ON someone, AND I WON'T MENTION the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (someone; therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
it's not as if (we HAD to let everyone who hurts us get away with it, THOUGHT : the worst would be to keep our resentment TO OURSELVES), but there must be some way to examine things FROM ALL POINTS OF VIEW
maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults( (THIS is a challenge!) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions (if there are adults in the room, of course!). 154 words
J'ai juste allègé la presentation de Gerold et j'ai mis en majuscule les corrections, car le vert disparaissant à la relecture je ne m'en sortais pas
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de gerold, postée le 23-12-2024 à 12:26:06 (S | E)
magie8 pour la mise en forme.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody.
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings WILL BE ADDED to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict ON someone, AND I WON'T MENTION the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (someone; therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
it's not as if (we HAD to let everyone who hurts us get away with it, THOUGH
maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults( (THIS is a challenge!) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions (if there are adults in the room, of course!). 154 words
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 23-12-2024 à 13:46:40 (S | E)
hello dears,
de ces éclaircissements, magie !
ANSWER B: TOPIC 3: Is helpfulness definitely out of fashion? Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
On television, I see thousands of donations pouring into countries stricken by war or natural disaster.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women helping people in great material need or in difficulty in various fields.
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing the people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, are sources of joy for everyone.
for your help!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de happynutmeg13, postée le 23-12-2024 à 16:10:38 (S | E)
Here are my suggestions:
ANSWER B: TOPIC 3: Is helpfulness definitely out of fashion? Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
On television, I see thousands of donations pouring into countries stricken by war or natural disaster.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women helping people in great material need or in difficulty in various fields.
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing the people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, are sources of joy for everyone.
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 26-12-2024 à 16:26:45 (S | E)
Hello dears!
Green is required!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de gerold, postée le 26-12-2024 à 22:25:55 (S | E)
ANSWER B: TOPIC 3: Is helpfulness definitely out of fashion? Please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
I have some doubts.
On television, I (can) see thousands of donations pouring* poured into countries stricken by war or natural disasters.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing (the)? I think the article is correct when we are referring to the people who are in our direct environment if people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, (share, exchange ... or smile again when sharing and exchanging) are sources of joy for everyone.
* Considering the definition of "pour into" in several dictionaries, e. g. to spend (a large amount of money ... on something) example: she has poured thousands of dollars into the business (Merriam-Webster), I think "donations pouring into ..." is wrong.
Modifié par gerold le 26-12-2024 22:26
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 27-12-2024 à 01:27:45 (S | E)
Hello dears,
Nous avons reçu "a last minute third suggestion" qu'il n'a pas été possible de poster avant [ dans le cas normal où il y a quelques erreurs, bien compter 4 jours (2 jours bleus et deux jours verts) par réponse.]
Voici cette ANSWER C: vous pouvez la traiter en bleu PUIS en vert aussitôt dans une seconde copie. Je verrai en fonction des éventuelles réactions si je prolonge cette REPONSE d'une journée ou deux... (Tout le monde a besoin et a le droit de se reposer et se distraire un peu pendant ces Fêtes de famille...
ANSWER C: topic 3:
"Helpfulness should never go out of fashion, as it is a key part of human connection and kindness. In a world filled with challenges, small acts of assistance can make a big difference. While modern life might make people more self_focused, it it's important to remember that helping others strengthens communities and spreads positivity everywhere." 56 mots
Money is often described as the root of all evil, but I don't think so.
Although it's true that money can lead to sadness, for example : Some people work all the time to earn a lot of money, but in parallel, they lose their friends and end up alone in life, which quickly leads them to depression.
However, money can be used for good purposes, such as helping to improve living conditions and... .
Ultimately, the problem doesn't lie in money itself, but in how it's valued and used by society."
for your help!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 27-12-2024 à 14:41:46 (S | E)
Hello dears!
Can anyone make an effort to give indications and suggestions about this ANSWER, please!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de gerold, postée le 27-12-2024 à 17:44:48 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Voici cette ANSWER C: vous pouvez la traiter en bleu PUIS en vert aussitôt dans une seconde copie. Je verrai en fonction des éventuelles réactions si je prolonge cette REPONSE d'une journée ou deux... (Tout le monde a besoin et a le droit de se reposer et se distraire un peu pendant ces Fêtes de famille...
I think there's not much to say about these texts.
ANSWER C: topic 3:
"Helpfulness should never go out of fashion, as it is a key part of human connection and kindness. In a world filled with challenges, small acts of assistance can make a big difference. While modern life might make people more self_focused, it it's important to remember that helping others strengthens communities and spreads positivity everywhere." 56 mots
Money is often described as the root of all evil, but I don't think so.
Although it's true that money can lead to sadness, for example : Some people work all the time to earn a lot of money, but in parallel, they lose their friends and end up alone in life, which quickly leads them to depression.
However, money can be used for good purposes, such as helping to improve living conditions and... ??
Ultimately, the problem doesn't lie in money itself, but in how it's valued and used by society."
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de here4u, postée le 27-12-2024 à 23:51:17 (S | E)
Hello dears,
Merci gerold des indications que tu as données pour ANSWER C:
Je vais donner la correction des premières réponses, avec mes indications complémentaires éventuelles pour la dernière et complèterai ensuite en fonction de vos réponses.
ANSWER A: Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? Initial text and my preliminary indications.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem, or help anybody. (ponctuation à ajouter)
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings adding to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict to someone, not to forget the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (some one;(attention de rédiger de vraies phrases...) therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
Though, it's not as if (we have to let everyone who hurts us get away with itB : the worst would be to keep our resentment unexpressed, but there must be some way to examine things from (all sides:?? (can you explain?) maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults (which is a challenge...) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions. 154 words
ANSWER A: Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? Initial text and my guiding indications.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot in any way solve any problem or help anybody. (ponctuation à ajouter)
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings adding to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict to someone, not to forget the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (some one;(attention de rédiger de vraies phrases...) therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
Though, it's not as if (we have to let everyone who hurts us get away with itB : the worst would be to keep our resentment unexpressed, but there must be some way to examine things from (all sides:?? (can you explain?) maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults (which is a challenge...) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions. 154 words
Très bonne expression ! - à vous de la rendre encore meilleure !
ANSWER A: Topic 1: Do you believe in Revenge? Gerold's indications.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot, in any way, solve any problem, or help anybody.
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: negative feelings will be added adding to negative feelings: your initial pain plus the pain you want (to inflict to on someone, not to forget/and I won't mention the pain you cause to yourself when you plan to harm (someone;(attention de rédiger de vraies phrases...) therefore, even from a selfish point of view, nothing good will come from this.
Though, it's not as if (we have had to let everyone who hurts us get away with it, though (usually comes at the end)
*: the worst would be to keep our resentment unexpressed unvoiced? (but what is wrong with unexpressed?) **(or to keep our resentment to ourselves), but there must be some way to examine things from (all sides:?? (can you explain?) from all/( different) points of view?? maybe we'll get apologies, and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults( (this*** is a challenge!) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions (if there are adults in the room, of course!). 154 words
The pain you want to inflict ON someone
*J’aurais mis ‘yet’ en début de phrase. (though ne convient pas ici.)
** non ! unexpressed n’était pas faux. J’avais envie de dire ‘bottled up’ : bottle up,[~ + up + object] : to hold in, control, or keep back:Don't bottle up your anger; let it out.Ce verbe s’emploie fréquemment pour bien montrer qu’un sentiment n’est pas exprimé, qu’il est en quelque sorte réprimé, empêché de sortir…
*** : ici, ce n’était pas une question de mot, mais de ponctuation… ATTENTION ! ‘which’ et ‘, which’ sont très différents. Lien internet
Hello Merci à Gerold pour son aide ! Magie’s and Gerold’s suggestions.
No, I don't believe in Revenge, because Revenge cannot, in any way, solve any problem, or help anybody.
If someone harms you and you're seeking revenge, that means you're going to waste your energy to harm them back: [thus,] negative feelings WILL BE ADD[gRRRrrr ! Etourdie ! will be added ) to negative feelings:
it's not as if (we HAD to let everyone who hurts us get away with it, THOUGH(T) : the worst would be to keep our resentment TO OURSELVES), but there must be some way to examine things FROM ALL POINTS OF VIEW. maybe we'll get apologies/ You may receive apologies… , and even if that's not the case, discussing the matter as adults( (THIS , which is a challenge!) undoubtedly helps alleviate tensions (if there are adults in the room, of course!). 154 words
Un grand MERCI à vous pour votre travail, qui reste une collaboration … et c’est important pour moi.
ANSWER B: TOPIC 3: Is helpfulness definitely out of fashion?
On television, I see thousands of donations pouring into countries stricken by war or natural disaster.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women helping people in great material need or in difficulty in various fields.
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing the people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, are sources of joy for everyone.
TB expression sur le plan grammatical.
ANSWER B: TOPIC 3: Is helpfulness definitely out of fashion? Happynutmeg’s suggestions:
On television, I see thousands of donations pouring into countries stricken by war or natural disaster.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women helping people in great material need or in difficulty in various fields.
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. ????? [ Là, je pense que tu ne dis pas ce que tu veux vraiment exprimer…] Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing the* people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, are sources of joy for everyone.
* Le ‘the’ ne me gêne pas : ce sont les gens autour de moi….
I think that the first part of this ANSWER is mainly about SOLIDARITY and not really HELPFULNESS…
Helpfulness: giving or rendering aid or assistance, giving service.// willing to help // able to improve a particular situation
Solidarity union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc. //: agreement between and support for the members of a group// union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.
A lecture de ces définitions, il est clair qu’il ne faut pas identifier les deux mots, ni surtout, les deux concepts. Nous avions déjà évoqué la solidarité mais ici, je mettais la question sur une autre échelle : l’échelle beaucoup plus privée et individuelle, les petits gestes simples qui sont pourtant si importants.
- Je pensais que "neighbours" introduisait le véritable sujet … mais en mentionnant les cyclones et les inondations, on est bien sur le plan de la solidarité.
"if helpfulness had gone out of fashion, I wouldn’t care" signifierait ; si la serviabilité était passée de mode, ça me serait égal…. Je connais suffisamment l’auteur de ce texte pour savoir que c’est une maladresse… surtout que la suite est contradictoire : ‘I’d keep on getting involved as a volunteer ; Alors un petit effort de correction ? (chacun peut aider pour cette phrase, bien sûr !)
Gerold has some doubts
On television, I (can) seeOUI thousands of donations pouring* poured into countries stricken by war or natural disasters.
Sums of money, food and other items are donated to all sorts of charities.
Thousands of volunteers give their time to these charities. Men and women helping help people in great material need or in difficulty in various fields.
There are neighbours who come to the rescue of unfortunate people who have lost everything during cyclones or floods.
No, really, I don't think that helpfulness has gone out of fashion, and if it had, I wouldn't care. Personally, I'd keep on getting involved as a volunteer.
Doing good, seeing (the)? I think the article is correct when we are referring to the people who are in our direct environment OK if people around you smile again, sharing, exchanging, (share, exchange ... or smile again when sharing and exchanging) are sources of joy for everyone.
* Considering the definition of "pour into" in several dictionaries, e. g. to spend (a large amount of money ... on something) example: she has poured thousands of dollars into the business (Merriam-Webster), I think "donations pouring into ..." is wrong.(It may not be wrong…. But it’s way too optimistic…
Donc sur le plan grammatical, tout est corrigé ou identifié... BRAVO. Il n'est, bien sûr pas nécessaire de réécrire sur 'Helpfulness'... Un grand merci et bravo à vous!
ANSWER C: topic 3:my preliminary indications
"Helpfulness should never go out of fashion, as it is a key part of human connection and kindness. In a world filled with challenges, small acts of assistance can make a big difference.TB While modern life might make people more self_focused, it it's important to remember that helping others strengthens communities and spreads positivity everywhere." 56 mots TTB
Money is often described as the root of all evil, but I don't think so.
Although it's true that money can lead to sadness, for example : Some people work all the time to earn a lot of money, but in parallel, they lose their friends and end up alone in life, which quickly leads them to depression.
However, money can be used for good purposes, such as helping to improve living conditions and... .
Ultimately, the problem doesn't lie in money itself, but in how it's valued and used by society." Good!
ANSWER C: topic 3: gerold's indications.
"Helpfulness should never go out of fashion, as it is a key part of human connection and kindness. In a world filled with challenges, small acts of assistance can make a big difference. While modern life might make people more self_focused, it it's important to remember that helping others strengthens communities and spreads positivity everywhere." 56 mots
Money is often described as the root of all evil, but I don't think so.
Although it's true that money can lead to sadness, for example : Some people work all the time to earn a lot of money, but in parallel, they lose their friends and end up alone in life, which quickly leads them to depression.
However, money can be used for good purposes, such as helping to improve living conditions and... ??
Ultimately, the problem doesn't lie in money itself, but in how it's valued and used by society."
Pratiquement pas de fautes. C'est une très bonne expression dont il est encore possible d'enlever quelques maladresses...
Je regarderai demain en soirée pour voir si ce corrigé peut/ doit être modifié.
See you tomorrow, then!
Réponse : Let's Suggest 76/ Taking a break 22 de magie8, postée le 28-12-2024 à 06:24:56 (S | E)
correction answerB TOPIC3 suggestion à propos de la phrase maladroite
Whether helpfulness is fashionable or not, I don't care about fashion.
-est-ce mieux ? MERCI
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