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Correct / incorrect

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Correct / incorrect
Message from mohammad51 posted on 18-03-2023 at 10:22:27 (D | E | F)

The following questions are from the book ( practical grammar and composition by Thomas Wood)

The book is without answer key and no answer at all online.

I tried to get with the solutions myself, so please help and correct me.

Thank you in advance
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Correct the following sentences:
1. I admire Mary more than John. = correct

2. I think she is older than John. = correct

3. He should have succeeded in gaining the end he tried. = correct

4. I asked him to do what I should not have. My correction : I asked him to do what I could not have done.

5. I did what I ought not. My correction : ought not to do

6. We wish him better luck than Mary. I suggest : We wish him better luck than we wish to Marry.

7. We want to see him more than Henry. I suggest We want to visit him more than we want to visit Henry.

8. I should hate him worse than you. I suggest rewriting in the same way above

9. He wanted me to do what I didn't care to. = correct OR what I didn't want to do \ to have done ( past )

10. You may, as you please, do it or not. No suggestion, but I think, it is correct

11. She may go if she wishes or not. The same answer as the above

12. We think of you oftener than mother. = grammatically correct but ( insensitive or inappropriate)

Re: Correct / incorrect from gerondif, posted on 18-03-2023 at 12:20:36 (D | E)
1. I admire Mary more than John. = correct different meaning if : I admire Mary more than John does.

2. I think she is older than John. = correct

3. He should have succeeded in gaining the end he tried. = correct (meaning ????)

4. I asked him to do what I should not have. My correction : I asked him to do what I could not have done. ok

5. I did what I ought not. My correction : ought not to do /ought not to have done.

6. We wish him better luck than Mary. I suggest : We wish him better luck than we wish/do to Mary.

7. We want to see him more than Henry. I suggest We want to visit him more than we want to visit Henry. We want to see him more than we do Henry.

8. I should hate him worse than you (do). colloquial but not uncommon. I suggest rewriting in the same way above

9. He wanted me to do what I didn't care to do. = correct OR what I didn't want to do \ to have done ( past )

10. You may, as you please, do it or not. No suggestion, but I think, it is correct

11. She may go if she wishes or not. The same answer as the above (I have doubts but in cact, I don't know, I cant spot the mistake if any.

12. We think of you oftener (more often, two syllables, er is strange) than mother does. = grammatically correct but ( insensitive or inappropriate)

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