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Screenplay /writing

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Screenplay /writing
Message from thewriter posted on 04-02-2023 at 22:46:20 (D | E | F)

I'm not an English native talker, I try to learn it. Excuse me for the mistakes.
I'd like to open a chat about the screenplay writing which may be particular, rather different than the usual one. So I hope to find here some advice and answers to my questionings about it.
Mainly, it is said that it must be as short as possible so that the screenplay is read the faster it can. To the point that today, screenpalyers often avoid to use pronouns like he, she, it, etc...
Right now I'm wondering about a sentence. Just imagine in a movie somebody braking in to search for something with bad intentions in mind. Let's write it as a screenplayer would (by the way, the appropriate font for screenwriting is courrier 12, let's trie to use it when writing exemples):

The guy gets in with a smirk. Sees the desk. Walks to it. Opens the drawer with a sneer --
And stop. First wondering: when writing "opens the drawer with a sneer", who sneers? The guy or the drawer? As for you, what is the correct, or acceptable way to wrote it? Because today, it is admitted many deviations from the rules when it is about screenplays, keeping in mind that it must be the shorter as possible because of the reading speed and because of the number of lines, a character more than necessary may generate a new line in the paragraph. So, what is your opinion about this?

Opens the drawer with a sneer.
Opens the drawer, with a sneer.
Opens the drawer sneering.
Opens the drawer, sneering.
Sneers as he opens the drawer.

Hope to read you...

Edited by lucile83 on 05-02-2023 00:18
That is a try.

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Forum > English only

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