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Nouns/ plural form

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Nouns/ plural form
Message from farshid posted on 17-04-2021 at 19:09:23 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone
If a singular noun ends with 'f' or 'fe', when we want to use the plural form, we often change 'f' or 'fe' into 've' before adding s to the end.
For example: wife > wives, Half > halves. But in some nouns this rule doesn't work and those nouns don't respect the above rule.
For example: roof > roofs, belief > beliefs.
Question: Do those nouns obey a specific rule (involving vowels in the noun)or not?
If not, the way that we have to learn the plural form of them is to memorize them.

Edited by lucile83 on 17-04-2021 21:20
grey + no red in the forum

Re: Nouns/ plural form from sherry48, posted on 17-04-2021 at 20:45:11 (D | E)
Hello Farshid.
Unfortunately, there is no simple rule--you have to memorize the exceptions.

Edited by sherry48 on 18-04-2021 14:09

Here are some charts that list some exceptions. Link

Re: Nouns/ plural form from mah, posted on 29-04-2021 at 17:57:34 (D | E)
Hello . Yes! I think we are forced to memorize them. There is no specific rule.
The best

Re: Nouns/ plural form from frafra, posted on 03-05-2021 at 20:50:50 (D | E)
hello, it's a problem for me as well but since there is a specific rule the best way to learn the rules is read as much as we can to memorise new words

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Forum > English only

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