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Activity/ adjectives

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Activity/ adjectives
Message from mohammad51 posted on 21-01-2021 at 15:02:46 (D | E | F)
Could you please help me so that I understand what's meant by the question ?
I got it from one book of grammar \ advanced learning
I'm a bit confused. Does the author mean to use a stronger intensifier or just extreme adjective ?

For example ( really and very ) are stronger than quite.
So, I see it is possible to say : I really like that cake
For the second I can say : I feel exhausted. exhausted = extreme adjective of tired
But he wanted to change the adjectives as he stated one example ( brilliant instead of extremely good )
Of course ( brilliant = extreme adjective of good )
So, what does he exactly want ?

Replace the words shown in bold with one stronger word that has the same meaning.
She is extremely good at maths. She is brilliant at maths.
1. I quite like that cake. >>( quite like )
2. I feel very tired. >>> ( very tired )

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Forum > English only

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