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Correction/ EE

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ EE
Message de laulaute2003 posté le 23-04-2020 à 10:27:23 (S | E | F)
Durant cette période de confinement j'en profite pour travailler en plus que ce que nous donne notre prof. Mais voilà je ne sais pas à qui demander de me corriger car j'ai fait une EE qu'il y avait sur le site du CNED.
J'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à la corriger s'il vous plait.

Work on socials medias.
What does Mike KEEFEE thinks about the socialnetworks.
He has a dim view social media and believe tecnology has had detrimental effect on social cohésion.

Do you agree with Keefee's wiew? Why? Why not? Develop your answer is writtting justifying you have experienced.Wrtie 80 to 100 words.

Mon expression écrite

Socials medias and electronics devices have an real impact in our lifes.
First, since the arrival of socialnetworks in our daily life havec changed.From now on if we want to know how is a person we don't go at her house or send letter. We go on social media or we send an SMS. So socials medias take us away from the others.
Next, often when we are talking with a person we can think that we are talking at a wall; because the persons is watching her cell phone, and it's maybe more important than you say because se doesn't answer.
Finally, with the socials medias we know all about the lifes of our friends.Indeed, in the publication peoples take all in photography. So we know were they are in holydays, or what they eat.
To conclude i'm agree with Mike KEEFEE because social media have currently a big impact in our societies.And it's cuting relation ships.

Réponse : Correction/ EE de gerold, postée le 23-04-2020 à 11:13:54 (S | E)

Vous avez fait des erreurs en recopiant les instructions.

Work on socials les adjectifs ne se mettent pas au pluriel medias.
What does Mike KEEFEE thinks about the socialnetworks deux mots.
He has a dim view xx il manque au moins un mot social media and believe conjugaison tecnology orthographe has had a detrimental effect on social cohésion sans accent.

Do you agree with Keefee's wiew? Why? Why not? Develop your answer is ce n'est pas le verbe être writtting 2 t de trop justifying xx ?? you have experienced.Wrtie 80 to 100 words.

Mon expression écrite
Socials medias and electronics devices have an devant une consonne, l'article indéfini n'est pas "an" real impact in on our lifes ce nom a un pluriel irrégulier.
First, since the arrival of socialnetworks deux mots in our daily life havec ?? changed.From now on if we want to know how is à placer après "person" a person we don't go at autre préposition indiquant un mouvement her house or send letter. We go on social media or we send an SMS. So socials medias take us away from the others.
Next moreover, often when we are talking with a person we can think that we are talking at a wall; because the persons singulier is watching her cell phone, and it's maybe more important than you say incompréhensible because se she? doesn't answer.
Finally, with the socials medias we know all about the lifes of our friends.Indeed, in the publication peoples people (pluriel sans -s) take all in photography prendre tout en photo = to take pictures of everything . So we know were orthographe (ce n'est pas le verbe être) they are in holydays orthographe, or what they eat.
To conclude i'm I toujours avec majuscule et enlevez 'm agree with Mike KEEFEE because social media have currently a big impact in on our societies and cut And it's cuting relation ships un seul mot.

Réponse : Correction/ EE de laulaute2003, postée le 23-04-2020 à 18:43:47 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci
en effet j'ai fait des fautes de frappe; le contexte était :
He has a dim view of social media and believes technology has had a detrimental effect on social cohesion.
Et la consigne était :
Do you agree with Keefe’s view? Why? Why not? Develop your answer in writing justifying your view with examples you have experienced. Write 80 to 100 words.
Je m'excuse de ces fautes...
Je vous remercie également de votre correction je me rends compte que j'ai fait beaucoup d'erreurs de grammaire!
Merci encore et bonne soirée !

Réponse : Correction/ EE de here4u, postée le 23-04-2020 à 22:44:23 (S | E)

What does Mike KEEFEE thinks about...

Réponse : Correction/ EE de laulaute2003, postée le 24-04-2020 à 14:01:22 (S | E)
décidément en le tappant à l'ordinateur j'ai fait énormément de fautes
je suis désolé


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais

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