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Present simple/continuous

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Present simple/continuous
Message from mohammad51 posted on 14-01-2020 at 20:53:24 (D | E | F)
Please, I hope you help me with this :
present simple or continuous ?

Q 1 : Choose the correct answer to describe the picture. (The photo shows a man running)
a) Ted is a good rugby player. He is playing rugby for two hours every day.
b) Ted is being a good rugby player. He plays rugby for two hours every day.
c) Ted is a good rugby player. He play rugby for two hours every day.
d) Ted is a good rugby player. He plays rugby for two hours every day.
I suggest A because it implies ( period ) >> for two hours

Q 2 : Choose the correct answer to describe the picture. The picture shows a woman looks happy that she finished her work
a) Nan has a lot of work today. She is finishing the new list of rules right now.
b) Nan is having a lot of work today. She is finishing the new list of rules right now.
c) Nan has a lot of work today. She finishes the new list of rules right now.
d) Nan is having a lot of work today. She finishes the new list of rules right now.

My question about 2 is ( is having a lot of work ) OK ? OR ( has a lot of work ) is also correct ?
Here is the page where I got the exercise : 1 and 2 in the top of the page

Re: Present simple/continuous from mohammad51, posted on 15-01-2020 at 10:11:53 (D | E)
The page suggests the following answers
Q 1
Answer Key

1. d) Ted is a good rugby player. He plays rugby for two hours every day.
Q 2
a) Nan has a lot of work today. She is finishing the new list of rules right now.
I noticed another question was answered as :

a) Julian knows how to scuba dive. He is diving every day this month.

So, please look at these :
1. He plays rugby for two hours every day. >>> the present simple is the solution.
2. He is is diving every day this month. >> the present continuous is the solution.

Does it depend on the last adverb ?
I know the present simple is the choice with ( every day)
And the present continuous is used with ( this month )
But why in 1 ( for two hours ) is not taken into consideration ?
Isn't a period , thus the present continuous is more normal ?

Re: Present simple/continuous from gerondif, posted on 16-01-2020 at 16:30:20 (D | E)
mistakers inblue.
Q 1 : Choose the correct answer to describe the picture. (The photo shows a man running)
a) Ted is a good rugby player. He is playing rugby for two hours every day.
b) Ted is being a good rugby player. He plays rugby for two hours every day.
c) Ted is a good rugby player. He play (plays) rugby for two hours every day.
d) Ted is a good rugby player. He plays rugby for two hours every day.
I suggest A because it implies ( period ) >> for two hours wrong . Every day implies a habit.

Q 2 : Choose the correct answer to describe the picture. The picture shows a woman who looks happy that she finished to have finished her work
a) Nan has a lot of work today. She is finishing the new list of rules right now.
b) Nan is having(wrong, to have meaning to possess doesn't accept the ing form. To have meaning to eat, to consume, to drink would accept the ing form; I am having a beer) a lot of work today. She is finishing the new list of rules right now.
c) Nan has a lot of work today. She finishes the new list of rules right now.
d) Nan is having a lot of work today. She finishes the new list of rules right now.

My question about 2 is ( is having a lot of work ) OK ? No OR ( has a lot of work ) is also correct ?
Here is the page where I got the exercise : 1 and 2 in the top of the page

Julian knows how to scuba dive. He is diving every day this month. Here, the ing form insists on a craze, a voluntary insistance on that diving. he is diving everyday means he insists on diving every day this month.
If you had only every day, you could say, he dives everyday. But by adding this month, you insist on an exception. He normally only dives in summer but this month, he is diving every day because he will have an exam soon !

Re: Present simple/continuous from mohammad51, posted on 16-01-2020 at 17:45:31 (D | E)
Thank you dear teacher gerondif,
So, I think it depends on the last adverb of time in the example ..( every day \ this month )
Every day is usually used with present simple
This month either ( present perfect or also present continuous)
If we remove this month from sentence 2 : Julian knows how to scuba dive. He is diving every day this month.
Julian knows how to scuba dive. He is diving every day.
Then surly the present simple is the choice
And that why I think the last adverb is the key point, thus we depend on.

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