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The missing vowels/325

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The missing vowels/325
Message de marit64 posté le 04-12-2019 à 22:40:09 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Since we are really busy at this time of the year, I will give you all the numbers of vowels for a few weeks.

1- An enclosure or pen into which stray animals are put. ..... (n p d) 2

2- An adjective meaning "towards the west". ..... (t w w d r s) 2

3- A person who drives a motor car. ..... (t t m s r) 3

4- The amount of slope (of a road, a railway). ..... (r d g t n) 3

5- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2

6- Old or out of fashion. ..... (q d t n t) 5

7- To urge or force. ..... (p m l) 2

8- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5

9- Allowed by law. ..... (f l w l) 2

10- A long curl of hair. ..... (l r g n t) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/325 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-12-2019 à 22:42:57 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 325
Message de marit64 posté le 04-12-2019 à 22:40:09 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- An enclosure or pen into which stray animals are put. (n p d) 2 pound = fourrière.
2- An adjective meaning "towards the west". (t w w d r s) 2 westward = vers l'ouest.
3- A person who drives a motor car. (t t m s r) 3 teamster = camionneur, motorist = automobiliste..
4- The amount of slope (of a road, a railway). (r d g t n) 3 gradient = pente.
5- To (cause to) move, even slightly. (d b g) 2 budge = changer d'avis, bouger légèrement.
6- Old or out of fashion. (q d t n t) 5 antiquated = vieillot, démodé désuet.
7- To urge or force. (p m l) 2 impel = pousser à...
8- Unaware of or not paying attention to. (v s l b) 5 oblivious = inconscient.
9- Allowed by law. (f l w l) 2 lawful = légal.
10- A long curl of hair. (l r g n t) 2 ringlet = anglaise.

Good luck and have fun! Bonjour à Flowermusic, Daisy et Swan : c'est facile cette fois : seulement vingt minutes pour mise en page plus résolution comprise !
Have a very sweet Week, each of you!
See you soon !

Réponse : The missing vowels/325 de swan85, postée le 07-12-2019 à 17:00:38 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Thank you for this exercise.

HI Chocolatcitron. Nice week too and to the next players.

1- An enclosure or pen into which stray animals are put. POUND (n p d) 2
2- An adjective meaning "towards the west". WESTWARD (t w w d r s) 2
3- A person who drives a motor car. MOTORIST (t t m s r) 3
4- The amount of slope (of a road, a railway). GRADIENT (r d g t n) 3
5- To (cause to) move, even slightly. BUDGE (d b g) 2
6- Old or out of fashion. ANTIQUATED (q d t n t) 5
7- To urge or force. IMPEL (p m l) 2
8- Unaware of or not paying attention to. OBLIVIOUS (v s l b) 5
9- Allowed by law. LAWFUL (f l w l) 2
10- A long curl of hair. RINGLET (l r g n t) 2

See you.

Réponse : The missing vowels/325 de daisy50, postée le 10-12-2019 à 05:59:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here's my try :

1- An enclosure or pen into which stray animals are put. ... POUND

2- An adjective meaning "towards the west". .... WESTWARD

3- A person who drives a motor car. ... MOTORIST

4- The amount of slope (of a road, a railway). .... GRADIENT

5- To (cause to) move, even slightly. .... BUDGE

6- Old or out of fashion. ..... ANTIQUATED

7- To urge or force. .... IMPEL

8- Unaware of or not paying attention to. .... OBLIVIOUS

9- Allowed by law. .... LAWFUL

10- A long curl of hair. ..... RINGLET

Thanks a lot Marit. See you tomorrow!

A friendly greeting to friends! See you soon!

Réponse : The missing vowels/325 de flowermusic, postée le 11-12-2019 à 10:10:13 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Here's my try :

1- An enclosure or pen into which stray animals are put. ..... (n p d) 2 pound

2- An adjective meaning "towards the west". ..... (t w w d r s) 2 westward

3- A person who drives a motor car. ..... (t t m s r) 3 motorist

4- The amount of slope (of a road, a railway). ..... (r d g t n) 3 gradient

5- To (cause to) move, even slightly. ..... (d b g) 2 budge

6- Old or out of fashion. ..... (q d t n t) 5 antiquated

7- To urge or force. ..... (p m l) 2 impel

8- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5 oblivious

9- Allowed by law. ..... (f l w l) 2 lawful

10- A long curl of hair. ..... (l r g n t) 2 ringlet

See you soon, very soon

Coucou à l'équipe


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