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Message from mohammad51 posted on 27-11-2019 at 21:47:35 (D | E | F)
Please any one could guide and tell me what the idea is ?
Here in this page it says :
Forms of gerund Link

Having worked for twelve hours, I felt tired. (Perfect – active)
She is angry about having been criticized. (Perfect – passive)
Everybody is desirous of being praised. (Passive)
Not knowing what to do, she started crying. (Negative)

In another page I read: consider these forms are participles.
So, which is correct?
For this sentence says : After playing for an hour, he went home. (Playing – present participle)
OK I agree with
Thank you in advance

Edited by lucile83 on 27-11-2019 21:59

Re: Gerund/participle from gerondif, posted on 28-11-2019 at 08:04:32 (D | E)
I think there is a mistake in the title of that paragraph :
Forms of gerund. No! Various ING forms

Having worked for twelve hours, I felt tired. (Perfect – active)(participle)

She is angry about having been criticized. (Perfect – passive) gerund

Everybody is desirous of being praised. (Passive) gerund

Not knowing what to do, she started crying. (Negative) participle

Re: Gerund/participle from mohammad51, posted on 28-11-2019 at 10:30:14 (D | E)
Thank so much dear teacher gerondif

So, what about the other sentence ( After playing for an hour, he went home.)

Is ( playing ) participle or gerund ?
Thank you very much in advance

Re: Gerund/participle from gerondif, posted on 30-11-2019 at 11:45:27 (D | E)
After (she had been) playing for an hour, he went home.( Present participle)

Re: Gerund/participle from mohammad51, posted on 02-12-2019 at 20:31:59 (D | E)
Thank you again
After (she had been) playing for an hour, he went home.( Present participle)
This is correct and clear 100 %
Also if you say :
After playing for an hour, he went home.( Present participle)
non-finite a sentence ( verbal non-finite ) I know
And your analysis is correct ( it is understood ) that he who did the action.
After he had played \ had been playing for an hour, he went ...
Finished action
Anyway ( the phrase modifies ) the subject pronoun ( he)
Thank you very much dear teacher( gerondif)
I got it

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