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The missing vowels/322

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The missing vowels/322
Message de marit64 posté le 13-11-2019 à 23:05:31 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- Fearless; not discouraged. ..... (n n d d t) 4

2- (Of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible. ..... (n w) 2

3- Something made for a purpose, (a tool or instrument). ..... (c d v)

4- The form that an insect takes when it is changing from a larva (a caterpillar) to its perfect form (a butterfly); a chrysalis. ..... (p p) 2

5- Giving an impression of value by a bright and striking outward appearance. ..... (w s h) 2

6- Symbols worn or carried as a mark of high office. ..... (g s n n) 4

7- Radioactive dust from a nuclear explosion etc. ..... (l t f l) 3

8- Something soft and wet. ..... (s m h) 1

9- A house in which a group of nuns live; a convent. ..... (r n n n) 3

10- To cut or chop up roughly. ..... (c h k)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/322 de flowermusic, postée le 13-11-2019 à 23:31:33 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Thanks for these new words

1- Fearless; not discouraged. ..... (n n d d t) 4 undaunted

2- (Of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible. ..... (n w) 2 . wane

3- Something made for a purpose, (a tool or instrument). ..... (c d v) device

4- The form that an insect takes when it is changing from a larva (a caterpillar) to its perfect form (a butterfly); a chrysalis. ..... (p p) 2 pupa

5- Giving an impression of value by a bright and striking outward appearance. ..... (w s h) 2 .. showy

6- Symbols worn or carried as a mark of high office. ..... (g s n n) 4 insignia

7- Radioactive dust from a nuclear explosion etc. ..... (l t f l) 3 fallout

8- Something soft and wet. ..... (s m h) 1 mush

9- A house in which a group of nuns live; a convent. ..... (r n n n) 3 nunnery

10- To cut or chop up roughly. ..... (c h k) hack

Have a sweet sweet week:
Et d'avance salut à la belle équipe

Réponse : The missing vowels/322 de daisy50, postée le 14-11-2019 à 01:13:32 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Thanks to you, Marit, my insomnia is becoming less heavy!

1- Fearless; not discouraged. .... UNDAUNTED

2- (Of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible. .... WANE

3- Something made for a purpose, (a tool or instrument). .... DEVICE

4- The form that an insect takes when it is changing from a larva (a caterpillar) to its perfect form (a butterfly); a chrysalis. .... PUPA

5- Giving an impression of value by a bright and striking outward appearance. .... SHOWY

6- Symbols worn or carried as a mark of high office. ..... INSIGNIA

7- Radioactive dust from a nuclear explosion etc. .... FALLOUT

8- Something soft and wet. ..... MUSH

9- A house in which a group of nuns live; a convent. ..... NUNNERY

10- To cut or chop up roughly. ..... HACK

Et voilà! un bon petit moment passé en ta compagnie, Marit. Merci! Il va falloir se rendormir avec une bonne tisane maintenant!

Coucou Flower, toujours aussi rapide. Un petit coucou également à Swan et Chocolatcitron.

Très très bonne semaine à toutes !

Réponse : The missing vowels/322 de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-11-2019 à 03:07:48 (S | E)
The missing vowels/322
Message de marit64 posté le 13-11-2019 à 23:05:31 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for this new exercise !
Dommage que nous soyons si peu nombreuses, je salue nos plus fidèles : Flowermusic, Daisy, et Swan pour compléter le quatuor.
Hi Everybody, …, venez aussi nous rejoindre !

Here is my work:
1- Fearless; not discouraged. (n n d d t) 4 undaunted = courageux, téméraire, vaillant.
2- (Of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible. (n w) 2 wane = décliner, décroître.
3- Something made for a purpose, (a tool or instrument). (c d v) device = appareil, système, dispositif, truc
4- The form that an insect takes when it is changing from a larva (a caterpillar) to its perfect form (a butterfly); a chrysalis. (p p) 2 pupa = pupe, nymphe, chrysalide.
5- Giving an impression of value by a bright and striking outward appearance. (w s h) 2 showy = voyant, tape-à-l'oeil, bling-bling.
6- Symbols worn or carried as a mark of high office. (g s n n) 4 insignia = insigne.
7- Radioactive dust from a nuclear explosion etc. (l t f l) 3 fallout = retombées radioactives.
8- Something soft and wet. (s m h) 1 mush = bouillie.
9- A house in which a group of nuns live; a convent. (r n n n) 3 nunnery = couvent.
10- To cut or chop up roughly. (c h k) hack = couper, pirater.

Good luck and have fun Swan!

Have a very sweet week, each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/322 de swan85, postée le 18-11-2019 à 21:01:28 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello Flowermusic Daisy and Chocolatcitron.

Here I am .... with my replies.

1- Fearless; not discouraged. UNDAUNTED (n n d d t) 4
2- (Of the moon) to appear to become smaller as less of it is visible. WANE (n w) 2
3- Something made for a purpose, (a tool or instrument). DEVICE (c d v)
4- The form that an insect takes when it is changing from a larva (a caterpillar) to its perfect form (a butterfly); a chrysalis. PUPA (p p) 2
5- Giving an impression of value by a bright and striking outward appearance. SHOWY (w s h) 2
6- Symbols worn or carried as a mark of high office. INSIGNIA (g s n n) 4
7- Radioactive dust from a nuclear explosion etc. FALLOUT (l t f l) 3
8- Something soft and wet. MUSH (s m h) 1
9- A house in which a group of nuns live; a convent. NUNNERY (r n n n) 3
10- To cut or chop up roughly. HACK (c h k)

Thank you Marit for these interesting words.
See you.


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