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The missing vowels /316

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The missing vowels /316
Message de marit64 posté le 03-10-2019 à 00:21:23 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

You still have all the numbers of vowels.

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (m s h r b) 2

2- A neighbourhood or local area. ..... (c n t v) 4

3- To pull down or take to pieces. ..... (m t d l s n) 3

4- Vulgar or coarse. ..... (w b d) 2

5- Pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. ..... (p p m l) 1

6- Able to spring back into its former shape. ..... (p g r n s) 2

7- A swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is store. ..... (r t b) 2

8- A person who travels to work daily. ..... (m r m c t) 3

9- A deer's horn. ..... (l n t r) 2

10- To produce (sounds, for instance, cries, words etc). ..... (t t r) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /316 de chocolatcitron, postée le 03-10-2019 à 05:37:03 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 316
Message de marit64 posté le 03-10-2019 à 00:21:23 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. (m s h r b) 2 rhombus = losange. (Heureusement que j'ai fait de la minéralogie, facile pour moi !)
2- A neighbourhood or local area. (c n t v) 4 vicinity = environs, voisinage.
3- To pull down or take to pieces. (m t d l s n) 3 dismantle = démonter, démenteler.
4- Vulgar or coarse. (w b d) 2 bawdy = paillard, sous la ceinture.
5- Pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. (p p m l) 1 plump = charnu, bien en chair.
6- Able to spring back into its former shape. (p g r n s) 2 springy = bondissant, élastique.
7- A swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is store. (r t b) 2 tuber = tubercule.
8- A person who travels to work daily. (m r m c t) 3 commuter = banlieusard.
9- A deer's horn. (l n t r) 2 antler = bois des cervidés.
10- To produce (sounds, for instance, cries, words etc). (t t r) 2 utter = prononcer un son, dire un mot, pousser un cri… .

Coucou amical à l'Équipe habituelle !

Have a sweet, a very sweet Week, for each of You!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /316 de daisy50, postée le 03-10-2019 à 18:22:58 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my try :

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. .... RHOMBUS

2- A neighbourhood or local area. ..... VICINITY

3- To pull down or take to pieces. .... DISMANTLE

4- Vulgar or coarse. .... BAWDY

5- Pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. ..... PLUMP

6- Able to spring back into its former shape. ..... SPRINGY

7- A swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is store. ..... TUBER

8- A person who travels to work daily. .... COMMUTER

9- A deer's horn. ..... ANTLER

10- To produce (sounds, for instance, cries, words etc). ... UTTER

Thanks a lot Marit for this pleasant exercise. Have a nice week! See you later!

Amitiés à tout le petit comité de "missing vowels" A bientôt!

Réponse : The missing vowels /316 de swan85, postée le 05-10-2019 à 21:29:45 (S | E)
Hello Everybody

Here is my work
Thank you for these words.

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. (m s h r b) 2 RHOMBUS
2- A neighbourhood or local area. (c n t v) 4 VICINITY
3- To pull down or take to pieces. (m t d l s n) 3 DISMANTLE
4- Vulgar or coarse. (w b d) 2 BAWDY
5- Pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. (p p m l) 1 PLUMP
6- Able to spring back into its former shape. (p g r n s) 2 SPRINGY
7- A swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is store. (r t b) 2 TUBER
8- A person who travels to work daily. (m r m c t) 3 COMMUTER
9- A deer's horn. (l n t r) 2 ANTLER
10- To produce (sounds, for instance, cries, words etc). (t t r) 2 UTTER

Nice week for all of you.

Réponse : The missing vowels /316 de flowermusic, postée le 08-10-2019 à 23:43:54 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (m s h r b) 2 rhombus

2- A neighbourhood or local area. ..... (c n t v) 4 vicinity

3- To pull down or take to pieces. ..... (m t d l s n) 3 dismantle

4- Vulgar or coarse. ..... (w b d) 2 bawdy

5- Pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. ..... (p p m l) 1 plump

6- Able to spring back into its former shape. ..... (p g r n s) 2 springy

7- A swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is store. ..... (r t b) 2 tuber

8- A person who travels to work daily. ..... (m r m c t) 3 commuter

9- A deer's horn. ..... (l n t r) 2 antler

10- To produce (sounds, for instance, cries, words etc). ..... (t t r) 2 utter

See you soon, very soon

Coucou aux fidèles


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