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Correct forms/ verbs

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Correct forms/ verbs
Message from galleon posted on 25-09-2019 at 07:37:34 (D | E | F)
Could you help me please?
Thanks for any reply.

I want to know correct forms of verbs in sentences given below.
A number of unemployed workers-----protesting(be)
Majority---------him in this regard(support)
Have you to-----it?(have)
They -----------------their debt by Wednesday(pay)
Time once gone cannot be --------(recall)

Edited by lucile83 on 25-09-2019 08:48

Re: Correct forms/ verbs from lucile83, posted on 25-09-2019 at 08:50:01 (D | E)
You have to do the work. Then we'll proofread it and we'll give you advice for your own correction if necessary.

Re: Correct forms/ verbs from galleon, posted on 25-09-2019 at 09:35:03 (D | E)
I want would like to know the correct forms of the verbs in the sentences given below.
1.A number of unemployed workers-WERE protesting(be)
2.Majority SUPPORTS -him in this regard(support)
3.Have you to-----it?(have)
4.They WILL PAY their debt by monday(pay)
5.Time once gone cannot be RECALLED(recall)

In capital letters ,I have written my answers but unable to understand number 3..
Please inform me about my mistakes if any..
Thank You

Edited by lucile83 on 25-09-2019 09:36

Re: Correct forms/ verbs from lucile83, posted on 25-09-2019 at 09:47:17 (D | E)
1.A number of unemployed workers-WERE protesting(be) ...you can use: are,will be...it is difficult to choose without any context
2.Majority SUPPORTS -him in this regard(support)...ok but no context
3.Have you to-----it?(have)...have; have to = must
4.They WILL PAY their debt by monday(pay) ...ok + Wednesday
5.Time once gone cannot be RECALLED(recall)...ok

Re: Correct forms/ verbs from galleon, posted on 25-09-2019 at 11:25:19 (D | E)
Thank you very much.
I am grateful.

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Forum > English only

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