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Conditionals/unreal condition

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Conditionals/unreal condition
Message from tolearnthingseo posted on 17-09-2019 at 10:35:42 (D | E | F)
The fifth test of "English Test #35" is:
You're very rich, but C you like to be a millionaire if it **was** possible?A. won't B. do C. wouldn't D. will
I think it has to be "were" because it is an unreal condition. For example we might say
WRONG: If I was a rich man, I would make more charitable donations.
CORRECT: If I were a rich man, I would make more charitable donations. (examples are from grammarly not mine!)
Any ideas please?

Edited by lucile83 on 17-09-2019 12:53

Re: Conditionals/unreal condition from lucile83, posted on 17-09-2019 at 12:49:16 (D | E)
The sentence is right because '...be a millionaire if it was possible?' means it may be possible, who knows?
'if it were possible ' means that it will never happen in your opinion.

WRONG: If I was a rich man, I would make more charitable donations. ... Sorry, but it is not really wrong.
If I were a dog...is right because you are a human, not a dog!
Hope it's clear.

Re: Conditionals/unreal condition from traviskidd, posted on 17-09-2019 at 23:34:06 (D | E)
Hello. Strictly speaking, the irreal present form of "be" is always "were", especially in writing; however "was" is often heard, especially in songs.

If it may be possible, then you should say "if it is possible", otherwise you should say "if it were possible". "Was" signifies the normal past tense, for example, "If it was possible, the milk was refrigerated, otherwise it was drunk immediately."

The irreal past form is the same as the pluperfect: "If it had been possible, the milk would have been refrigerated."

There is also an irreal future form, which represents something that almost -- but not quite -- certainly won't happen: "If I were to win the lottery one day, I would ...." (Note that this is different, in form if not in meaning, from "If I should win, I will ....")

See you.

Re: Conditionals/unreal condition from tolearnthingseo, posted on 18-09-2019 at 14:16:39 (D | E)
The explanations were clear. Thanks.

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