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The missing vowels /311

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The missing vowels /311
Message de marit64 posté le 28-08-2019 à 22:08:34 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in each sentence.

1- To put in good order; to make neat. ..... (d t) 2

2- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... (g r) 2

3- A deep narrow valley. ..... (v n r) 3

4- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (m f l b) 2

5- To sway, move or walk unsteadily. ..... (g t r s g) 2

6- To press tightly; to cramp. ..... (t t c c r s n) 2

7- (Of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. ..... (g p t n n) 2

8- (A cap or hood like) a monk's hood. ..... (w c l) 1

9- A brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. ..... (l h s d n) 4

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (l v s b) 5

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /311 de daisy50, postée le 28-08-2019 à 23:08:01 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my try :

1- To put in good order; to make neat. ..... TIDY

2- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). .... GORE

3- A deep narrow valley. ..... RAVINE

4- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... FUMBLE

5- To sway, move or walk unsteadily. ..... STAGGER

6- To press tightly; to cramp. ..... CONSTRICT

7- (Of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. .... PUNGENT

8- (A cap or hood like) a monk's hood. ..... COWL

9- A brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. ..... HEADLINES

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... OBLIVIOUS

Thanks Marit for this new exercise, I found it easily. Thanks again!

Have a very nice week. See you soon !

Réponse : The missing vowels /311 de flowermusic, postée le 29-08-2019 à 08:52:19 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That´s my try:

1- To put in good order; to make neat. ..... (d t) 2 tidy

2- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). ..... (g r) 2 gore

3- A deep narrow valley. ..... (v n r) 3 ravine
4- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (m f l b) 2 fumble

5- To sway, move or walk unsteadily. ..... (g t r s g) 2 stagger

6- To press tightly; to cramp. ..... (t t c c r s n) 2 constrict

7- (Of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. ..... (g p t n n) 2 pungent

8- (A cap or hood like) a monk's hood. ..... (w c l) 1 cowl

9- A brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. ..... (l h s d n) 4 headlines

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (l v s b) 5 oblivious

Have a sweet sweet week

Hello Daisy la première de la fine équipe à répondre

Ouf j´ai réussi à mettre accents et apostrophe

Réponse : The missing vowels /311 de chocolatcitron, postée le 29-08-2019 à 14:50:55 (S | E)
The missing vowels /311
Message de marit64 posté le 28-08-2019 à 22:08:34 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hi Everybody!
Hi Daisy and Flowermusic : glad to see you !

Here is my work:
1- To put in good order; to make neat. (d t) 2 tidy = ranger.
2- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). (g r) 2 gore = carnage, sang, encorné.
3- A deep narrow valley. (v n r) 3 ravine = ravin.
4- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. (m f l b) 2 fumble = batailler, triturer.
5- To sway, move or walk unsteadily. (g t r s g) 2 stagger = chanceler, tituber.
6- To press tightly; to cramp. ..... (t t c c r s n) 2 constrict = serrer, comprimer, étouffer.
7- (Of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. (g p t n n) 2 pungent = âcre, caustique, mordant.
8- (A cap or hood like) a monk's hood. (w c l) 1 cowl = capuche, capuchon.
9- A brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. (l h s d n) 4 headlines = gros titres.
10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. (l v s b) 5 oblivious = inconscient.

Un salut au reste de la Fine Équipe… !
Have a great week!
See you soon.

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 04-09-2019 22:27

Réponse : The missing vowels /311 de swan85, postée le 02-09-2019 à 22:23:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody

1- To put in good order; to make neat. (d t) 2 To TIDY
2- Blood (especially when it is stick and solid). (g r) 2 GORE
3- A deep narrow valley. (v n r) 3 RAVINE
4- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. (m f l b) 2 To FUMBLE
5- To sway, move or walk unsteadily. (g t r s g) 2 to STAGGER
6- To press tightly; to cramp. (t t c c r s n) 2 To CONSTRICT
7- (Of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. ..... (g p t n n) 2 PUNGENT
8- (A cap or hood like) a monk's hood. (w c l) 1 COWL
9- A brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. (l h s d n) 4 HEADLINES
10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (l v s b) 5 OBLIVIOUS

Thank you for this new exercise.
Have a nice week.


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