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Lettre motivation/Post-BAC

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Lettre motivation/Post-BAC
Message de paulgc posté le 03-07-2019 à 17:49:53 (S | E | F)
Je suis un éléve de Terminale S et j'aimerais savoir si vous pourriez corriger ma lettre de motivation dans l'objectif d'intégrer une section anglaise (SCAN) à l'INSA.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Dear Mr or Mrs,
Currently in the Lycée in xxx, I am witting to you regarding the inscription in SCAN. This section caught my attention in the extent that it match with my professional path to became an engineer able to work everywhere.
Since I am in year 8 ( in 5eme ) I have always been in European section, that the reason why keep studying English seem obvious to me. Last year, I really enjoyed doing a debate about the life on mars in the university of Nantes because this experience make me realized that English in science is necessary.
About my English skills I could said that I am more fluent orally than writing and I am convinced that I can progress in both thanks to you. Currently I have the CEC in year 11 ( B1) and thanks to my year 13 CEC I actually know that I am C1 speaking but I am waiting for writing results. I count on that section to improve my English knowledge and become able to work in England witch is one of my professional
Beside, I am found of traveling to discovers new habits, that why I went to New York and a few times in England. This is also the reason why I decided to study Chinese for 3 years witch allowed me to go there for a trip.
In fact I think that studied a language isn’t only be able to speak or write. But discover cultures with new lifestyle is the best way to really understand languages. For me joining the SCAN and being in a classroom with foreigners allow us to be open-minded. The exchange of culture is an asset to grow-up and develop my professional carrier.
To my mind and engineer must be able to share his work and collaborate with his teammates. Indeed, nowadays speaking English is a priority to work abroad and to access on many scientific works, that is why I will be determined to achieve and succeed the SCAN section.
Yours truly.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-07-2019 17:51

Réponse : Lettre motivation/Post-BAC de lucile83, postée le 04-07-2019 à 16:25:20 (S | E)
up; anyone?


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