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The missing vowels /306

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The missing vowels /306
Message de marit64 posté le 10-05-2019 à 00:08:36 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- To grow too big or too old for. ..... (r t w g) 3

2- Able to remain calm in a crisis. ..... (p p l l b f n) 4

3- Something used to attract attention to something or someone. ..... (m g k m c) 2

4- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h b s) 1

5- To avoid or keep away from. ..... (h n s) 1

6- A kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark. ..... (l m) 1

7- A long curl of hair. ..... (g t r n l) 2

8- Showing contempt. ..... (p t t c m s n) 5

9- A lightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (r h p t g t) 3

10- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (w h)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

P.S. Next week, I will still post the exercise on Thursday.

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /306 de daisy50, postée le 10-05-2019 à 02:27:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- To grow too big or too old for. .... OUTGROW

2- Able to remain calm in a crisis. ..... UNFLAPPABLE

3- Something used to attract attention to something or someone. .... GIMMICK

4- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... BRASH

5- To avoid or keep away from. ..... SHUN

6- A kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark. ... ELM

7- A long curl of hair. ..... RINGLET

8- Showing contempt. ..... CONTEMPTUOUS

9- A lightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... TIGHTROPE

10- To cut with an axe, sword etc. .... HEW

Bonsoir Marit, je profite d'une insomnie pour faire votre exercice, en espérant ne pas avoir fait trop d'erreurs.

Avez-vous du beau temps au Québec ? Ici, le printemps a du mal à s'installer.

Je vous souhaite une agréable semaine. A très bientôt !

Un petit bonjour très matinal aux amies et amis !

Réponse : The missing vowels /306 de flowermusic, postée le 10-05-2019 à 09:48:01 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- To grow too big or too old for. ..... (r t w g) 3 outgrow
2- Able to remain calm in a crisis. ..... (p p l l b f n) 4 unflappable

3- Something used to attract attention to something or someone. ..... (m g k m c) 2 gimmick

4- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h b s) 1 brash

5- To avoid or keep away from. ..... (h n s) 1 shun

6- A kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark. ..... (l m) 1 elm

7- A long curl of hair. ..... (g t r n l) 2 ringlet

8- Showing contempt. ..... (p t t c m s n) 5 contemptuous

9- A lightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (r h p t g t) 3 tightrope

10- To cut with an axe, sword etc. ..... (w h) hew

Have a sweet sweet week

Et je salue la matinale Daisy et ceux et celles qui ne vont pas tarder à nous rejoindre

Réponse : The missing vowels /306 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-05-2019 à 11:27:31 (S | E)
The missing vowels /306
Message de marit64 posté le 10-05-2019 à 00:08:36 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit ! Thanks for playing with us!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- To grow too big or too old for. (r t w g) 3 outgrow = devenir trop grand pour.
2- Able to remain calm in a crisis. (p p l l b f n) 4 unflappable = imperturbable.
3- Something used to attract attention to something or someone. (m g k m c) 2 gimmick = gadget, stratagème.
4- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. (r h b s) 1 brash = culotté.
5- To avoid or keep away from. (h n s) 1 shun = s’enfuir.
6- A kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark. (l m) 1 elm = orme.
7- A long curl of hair. (g t r n l) 2 ringlet = boucle anglaise.
8- Showing contempt. (p t t c m s n) 5 contemptuous = dédaigneux, méprisant.
9- A lightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. (r h p t g t) 3 tightrope = corde raide.
10- To cut with an axe, sword etc. (w h) hew = couper, tailler.

Hello Daisy50 and Flowermusic, you ran faster than me, this Week!
Bonjour au reste de l’équipe qui ne saurait tarder pour nous rejoindre…

Good luck and have fun!
Have a very sweet and also a great week, each of you!
P.S. Next week, I will still post the exercise on Thursday. No problem !
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /306 de swan85, postée le 11-05-2019 à 21:33:38 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hi Everybody

1- To grow too big or too old for. OUTGROW (r t w g) 3
2- Able to remain calm in a crisis. UNFLAPPABLE (p p l l b f n) 4
3- Something used to attract attention to something or someone. GIMMICK (m g k m c) 2
4- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. BRASH (r h b s) 1
5- To avoid or keep away from. SHUN (h n s) 1
6- A kind of tall tree with tough wood and corrugated bark. ELM (l m) 1
7- A long curl of hair. RINGLET (g t r n l) 2
8- Showing contempt. CONTEMPTUOUS (p t t c m s n) 5
9- A lightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. TIGHTROPE (r h p t g t) 3
10- To cut with an axe, sword etc. HEW (w h)

Thank you Marit for this new exercise
Nice week to everyboby.


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