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The missing vowels /297

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The missing vowels /297
Message de marit64 posté le 06-03-2019 à 21:58:04 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ..... (k r) 2

2- To take the clothes off (a person). ..... (d s n s r)

3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. ..... (r n g) 2

4- Something easy. ..... (n c h c) 1

5- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3

6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. ..... (n p c n) 3

7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. ..... (d w n r) 2

8- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3

9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades. ..... (t t d m l) 2

10- An accidental slide sideways. ..... (k d s) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de chocolatcitron, postée le 06-03-2019 à 23:30:29 (S | E)
The missing vowels /297
Message de marit64 posté le 06-03-2019 à 21:58:04 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks a lot for your new exercise ! Ten other words have been taught and learnt… : Great job !
Hi Everybody!
Coucou amical aux habitués. L'exercice est très facile. Bonne chance !

Here is my work:
1- A chess-piece (usually "castle").(k r) 2 rook = la tour.
2- To take the clothes off (a person). (d s n s r) undress = déshabiller.
3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body.(r n g) 2 groin = l'aine.
4- Something easy. (n c h c) 1 cinch = du gâteau, de la rigolade.
5- To attack, torment.(s l s) 3 assail = attaquer, agresser, assaillir.
6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. (n p c n) 3 penance = pénitence.
7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area.(d w n r) 2 warden ??? = contractuel.
8- Having many leaves. (f l) 3 leafy = feuillu..
9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades.(t t d m l) 2 mottled = bigarré, moucheté.
10- An accidental slide sideways. (k d s) 1 skid = dérapage.

Have a very sweet and also a great week, each of you!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de daisy50, postée le 08-03-2019 à 14:32:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ... ROOK

2- To take the clothes off (a person). ..... UNDRESS

3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. .... GROIN

4- Something easy. ..... CINCH

5- To attack, torment. .... ASSAIL

6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. ... PENANCE
7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. ..... WARDEN

8- Having many leaves. ..... LEAFY

9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades. ... MOTTED

10- An accidental slide sideways. ..... SKID

Thanks a lot, Marit, for all these new words I didn't know !

Have a great week and see you soon !

Coucou Chocolatcitron, tu as été la plus courageuse cette fois.

Bonnes recherches à toute la petite compagnie !

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de afarodj, postée le 09-03-2019 à 11:25:45 (S | E)
Hi Dear Marit . Thank you for this very good new exercice.

Hi everybody

Have a great week.

My try :

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ..... (k r) 2.-Rook.-Tour (Jeu d'échecs).

2- To take the clothes off (a person). ..... (d s n s r).-Undress.-Déshabiller.

3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. ..... (r n g) 2.-Groin.-Aine.

4- Something easy. ..... (n c h c) 1.-Cinch.- Jeu d'enfant (fastoche).

5- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3.-Assail.-Agresser.p

6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. ..... (n p c n) 3.-Penance-Remord.

7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. ..... (d w n r) 2.-Warden.-Gardien.

8- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3.-Leafy.-Feuillu.

9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades...(t t d m l) 2.-Mottled.-Moucheté -Tacheté.

10- An accidental slide sideways. ..... (k d s) 1.-Skid.-Dérapage.

You're right chocolatcitron, this ''Missing vowels'' exercice is a real cinch. Thanks again dear Marit.

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de flowermusic, postée le 09-03-2019 à 16:29:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ..... (k r) 2 rook

2- To take the clothes off (a person). ..... (d s n s r) undress

3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. ..... (r n g) 2 groin

4- Something easy. ..... (n c h c) 1 cinch

5- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 assail

6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. ..... (n p c n) 3 penance

7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. ..... (d w n r) 2 warden

8- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3 leafy

9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades. ..... (t t d m l) 2 mottled

10- An accidental slide sideways. ..... (k d s) 1 skid

Have a sweet sweet week

Salut à l'agréable compagnie

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de sanna6, postée le 10-03-2019 à 15:09:31 (S | E)

I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ..... (k r) 2 Rook - Tour

2- To take the clothes off (a person). ..... (d s n s r) Undress - Déshabiller

3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. ..... (r n g) 2 Groin - Aine

4- Something easy. ..... (n c h c) 1 Cinch - Du gâteau / Facile

5- To attack, torment. ..... (s l s) 3 To assail - Agresser

6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. ..... (n p c n) 3 Penance - Pénitence

7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. ..... (d w n r) 2 Warden - Gardien

8- Having many leaves. ..... (f l) 3 Leafy - Feuillu

9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades. ..... (t t d m l) 2 Mottled - Moucheté

10- An accidental slide sideways. ..... (k d s) 1 Skid - Dérapé

Have a wonderful week everyone

Modifié par sanna6 le 17-03-2019 15:30

Réponse : The missing vowels /297 de swan85, postée le 13-03-2019 à 14:22:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit
HI everybody

1- A chess-piece (usually "castle"). ROOK (k r) 2
2- To take the clothes off (a person). UNDRESS (d s n s r)
3- The part of the front of the body where the inner part of the thigh joins the rest of the body. GROIN (r n g) 2
4- Something easy. CINCH (n c h c) 1
5- To attack, torment. ASSAIL (s l s) 3
6- Punishment that a person suffers willingly to show that he or she is sorry for something wrong he or she has done. PENANCE (n p c n) 3
7- A person who controls parking and the flow of traffic in an area. WARDEN (d w n r) 2
8- Having many leaves. LEAFY (f l) 3
9- Marked with spots or patches of many colours or shades. MOTTLED (t t d m l) 2
10- An accidental slide sideways. SKID (k d s) 1

thank you for this new exercise.

Nice week to all of you.


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