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The missing vowels /292

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The missing vowels /292
Message de marit64 posté le 30-01-2019 à 23:23:49 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, all the vowels are given.

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. ..... (p l) 1

2- Coming at the right moment. ..... (m t l) 3

3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. ..... (r c m p) 3

4- Having (sharp) angles. ..... (g r n l) 3

5- A fierce attack. ..... (s h l g n t) 3

6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. ..... (b h t w n r t) 6

7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (b f l m) 2

8- To want something. ..... (k h n r) 2

9- A small, minor street. ..... (t s t s r d -) 4

10- To move slowly and carefully. ..... (c n h) 1

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de daisy50, postée le 31-01-2019 à 12:05:38 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. .... LOP

2- Coming at the right moment. ... TIMELY

3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. .... COMPERE

4- Having (sharp) angles. ..... ANGULAR

5- A fierce attack. ..... ONSLAUGHT

6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. ... WEATHERBEATEN

7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. .... FUMBLE

8- To want something. ..... HANKER

9- A small, minor street. ..... SIDE-STREET

10- To move slowly and carefully. .... INCH

Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercice.

Have a nice week, (not too cold). See you soon !

Bonjour à toute la compagnie !

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de flowermusic, postée le 31-01-2019 à 16:12:35 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
That's my try :

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. ..... (p l) 1 lop

2- Coming at the right moment. ..... (m t l) 3 timely

3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. ..... (r c m p) 3 compere

4- Having (sharp) angles. ..... (g r n l) 3 angular

5- A fierce attack. ..... (s h l g n t) 3 onslaught

6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. ..... (b h t w n r t) 6 weatherbeaten

7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (b f l m) 2 fumble
8- To want something. ..... (k h n r) 2 hanker

9- A small, minor street. ..... (t s t s r d -) 4 side-street

10- To move slowly and carefully. ..... (c n h) 1 inch

Have a sweet sweet week

Bravo Daisy, la première comme souvent, super, et bienvenue à toute la compagnie qui ne va pas tarder

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de chocolatcitron, postée le 31-01-2019 à 22:24:36 (S | E)
The missing vowels /292
Message de marit64 posté le 30-01-2019 à 23:23:49 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks !
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. (p l) 1 lop = tailler, couper.
2- Coming at the right moment. (m t l) 3 timely = opportun.
3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment.(r c m p) 3 compere = présentateur, animateur... faux ami...
4- Having (sharp) angles. (g r n l) 3 angular = angulaire, anguleux.
5- A fierce attack. (s h l g n t) 3 onslaught = assaut, attaque, charge.
6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather.(b h t w n r t) 6 weatherbeaten = battu par les éléments, dégradé avec le temps.
7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty.(b f l m) 2 fumble = batailler avec, triturer maladroitement.
8- To want something.(k h n r) 2 hanker = rêver de, avoir envie de...
9- A small, minor street.(t s t s r d -) 4 side street = petite rue.
10- To move slowly and carefully. (c n h) 1 inch = avancer doucement.

Bravo à Daisy et à Flowermusic qui m'ont devancée, et bienvenue aux autres fidèles de ce jeu !
Have a sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de sanna6, postée le 02-02-2019 à 10:33:29 (S | E)

I thank you Marit

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. ..... (p l) 1 To lop - Tailler

2- Coming at the right moment. ..... (m t l) 3 Timely - Opportun

3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. ..... (r c m p) 3 Compere - Présentateur

4- Having (sharp) angles. ..... (g r n l) 3 Angular - Anguleux

5- A fierce attack. ..... (s h l g n t) 3 Onslaught - Offensive

6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. ..... (b h t w n r t) 6 weatherbeaten - Érodé

7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (b f l m) 2 To fumble - Tâtonner

8- To want something. ..... (k h n r) 2 To hanker - Désirer

9- A small, minor street. ..... (t s t s r d -) 4 Side-street - Petite rue

10- To move slowly and carefully. ..... (c n h) 1 To inch - Avancer prudemment

Hope a nice week for everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de swan85, postée le 04-02-2019 à 22:10:56 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. LOP (p l) 1
2- Coming at the right moment. TIMELY (m t l) 3
3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. COMPERE (r c m p) 3
4- Having (sharp) angles. ANGULAR (g r n l) 3
5- A fierce attack. ONSLAUGHT (s h l g n t) 3
6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. WEATHERBEATEN (b h t w n r t) 6
7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. FUMBLE (b f l m) 2
8- To want something. HANKER (k h n r) 2
9- A small, minor street. SIDE-STREET (t s t s r d -) 4
10- To move slowly and carefully. INCH (c n h) 1

Thank you for this new exercise.

Have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels /292 de afarodj, postée le 06-02-2019 à 19:08:10 (S | E)
Hi Dear Marit . Thank you for this very good new exercice.

Hi everybody

Have a great week.

My try :

1- To cut off (parts) from a tree. ..... (p l) 1.-Lop.- Élaguer.

2- Coming at the right moment. ..... (m t l) 3.-Timely.-Ponctuel.

3- A person who introduces the different acts and items of an entertainment. ..... (r c m p) 3.-Compere.-Animateur.

4- Having (sharp) angles. ..... (g r n l) 3.-Angular.-Anguleux.

5- A fierce attack. ..... (s h l g n t) 3.-Onslaught.-Agression.

6- Showing effects of exposure to the weather. ..... (b h t w n r t) 6.-Weatherbeaten.-Erodé.-Raviné.

7- To use one's hands awkwardly and with difficulty. ..... (b f l m) 2.-Fumble.-Cafouiller.

8- To want something. ..... (k h n r) 2.-Hanker.-Aspirer

9- A small, minor street. ..... (t s t s r d -) 4.-Side-street.- Rue latérale-Allée.

10- To move slowly and carefully. ..... (c n h) 1.-Inch (to).-Progresser


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