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I want,I need, I must speak English

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I want,I need, I must speak English
Message de guidestone posté le 15-01-2019 à 10:22:07 (S | E | F)
I want,I need, I must speak English

It's for me a problem of survive... in other case I will be eaten ....

To prevent such a destiny i want to find :

a) English pen pal
b) English newspapers of the Net in who we can write comments and answer.
c) English forum of usuals subjects, especialy technic,politic,....

I didn't want to be eaten ....
I hope to you !!!!!!

Hurry Up ... I ear already the butcher and he look not "kind" ....!

Réponse : I want,I need, I must speak English de gerondif, postée le 15-01-2019 à 16:15:42 (S | E)
Hello, guidestone.
You say that :
I want to speak English,I need to speak English, I must speak English.

It's for me a problem of survival...otherwise I will be eaten ....

To prevent such a destiny, I would like to find :

a) an English pen pal
b) English newspapers on the Net in which/where we can write comments and answers.
c) English forums about usual subjects, especially technical or political ones

I don't want to be eaten ....
You are my last hope !!!!!!
Hurry up ... I can already hear the butcher coming and he doesn't look "kind" ....!

It is always great to see another human being craving for English but I wonder :
What good will it do to you to write about any subject in English if your work is not corrected by the person you will write to ? I mean if the person reads your English, however broken it might be, and then answers you, ok, you might benefit from what you read but you will probably keep making the same mistakes in spelling and grammar as you do today.

Why not start with all the exercises you can find on this site ?

You may also write a text or a comment, send it on the forum (questions sur l'anglais) for it to be read and people can then point to you your mistakes, what you should do or learn to avoid them.

If, at the same time, you find an English-speaking pen-pal willing to read and answer you, great, but you need your English to be corrected.

I still remember that , when I was twenty and a foreign lecturer near Manchester, I would always introduce myself to the people I met in a certain way with the same sentences until one day, somebody pointed to a mistake I kept making, thinking, "I've already said that dozens of times, it's bound to be correct" whereas it wasn't. I was then a little angry at all the people who had let that mistake go unnoticed and who had left me in the dark. I fear this might happen to you if you communicate ideas with inadequate English. How will you progress if you are not shown the right way ? Practising is vital, but not repeating the same mistakes again and again without guidance.


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