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Lettre /Motivation

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Lettre /Motivation
Message de credence posté le 14-10-2018 à 13:07:53 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde

Je dois écrire une lettre de motivation pour peut-être passer une année aux États-Unis dans le cadre de mes études. C'est quelque chose d'énorme à mes yeux mais malheureusement je suis assez pessimiste, je n'ai pas eu des notes excellentes donc j'ai essayé de faire une bonne lettre de motivation...
Comme je suis pas sûr à 100% qu'elle soit convenable je vous poste ici mon premier essai avant d'attendre vos avis.
Merci d'avance

"Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

I am currently a student in the Xxx xx Xxx, where I study the English language, as well as both British and American civilization and literature. As I have just begun the second year of this course, I have been given the tremendous opportunity to spend the upcoming year in a North American university as part of the Xxx xxx program. In this context, I am writing to you today so to support my application and display my motivation.

This project, which is well thought-out, fits perfecly within the framework of my professionnal ambitions: I would like to become a French teacher in an English-speaking country, preferably the United States. After getting my degree, I intend to integrate the FLE course (Ici, est-ce que vous me conseillez d'expliquer l'abrévation (et de la traduire ?)), a formation that will train me to insruct non-francophones in my native language. In that sense, having spent a year in the country I aspire to work in would be a substantial advantage. This has been a longstanding project (J'ai déjà mis le mot projet plus haut donc si vous avez des variantes ...)that I have been preparing for; in the past, I gave English classes to five to eight year-old kids, a first approach to teaching which I found particularly interesting. To become more familiar with the English language, I was in a European class in high school, which allowed me to have more English classes and oral conversations with native speakers of the language.

In the same way, I have been anticipating this year in the United States as I work all summer long and now part-time so to finance it. This is just an exemple of my determination; since I skipped a grade of my school curriculum (Pas sûr d'avoir bien formulé ce bout de phrase), I will quite logically get my degree at the age of nineteen. It is why I want to acquire a lot of experience and knowledge as early as possible, especially in literature, writing, linguistics and civilization, four fields that are available in the universities I applied for. I am self-sufficient, resourceful and at ease with people. Certain that I can fit into the American lifestyle, this opportunity means to me a way to acquaint myself with a country that has always fascinated me through books and screens; to see it with my own eyes would undoubtedly be one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences of my life.

I am very looking forward to hearing from you,

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-10-2018 14:08

Réponse : Lettre /Motivation de credence, postée le 17-10-2018 à 22:24:46 (S | E)
merci pour votre aide


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