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The missing vowels/268

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The missing vowels/268
Message de marit64 posté le 15-08-2018 à 21:46:34 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

All the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A synonym of "nothing". ..... (g t n h) 2

2- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (l n g t) 2

3- Food for farm animals. ..... (d r f d) 2

4- Pleasant to look at. ..... (m c l) 3

5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. ..... (p s) 2

6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (h d g n) 2

7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. ..... (c k r) 1

8- Hard or boring work. ..... (f g) 1

9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. ..... (g b l n) 2

10- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p l v h) 4

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/268 de chocolatcitron, postée le 16-08-2018 à 02:23:53 (S | E)
The missing vowels/268 Message de marit64 posté le 15-08-2018 à 21:46:34 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for coming here to play with us !
Hi everybody, mainly to our hard workers' team !

Here is my work:
1- A synonym of "nothing". (g t n h) 2 nought/or naught = zéro.
2- To feel a prickling sensation. (l n g t) 2 tingle = picoter, avoir des fourmis dans...
3- Food for farm animals. (d r f d) 2 fodder = fourrage.
4- Pleasant to look at. (m c l) 3 comely = avenant.
5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. (p s) 2 seep = suinter.
6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. (h d g n) 2 dinghy = hors bord, canot pneumatique.
7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. ..... (c k r) 1 reek, je sais, ça ne répond pas à ta demande, mais j'ai fait toutes les possibilités, il en a 16 sans trouver le bon mot ! Sinon rank = nauséabond.
8- Hard or boring work. (f g) 1 fag = corvée.
9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. (g b l n) 2 bangle = bracelet.
10- A great change or disturbance. (p l v h) 4 upheaval = agitation, bouleversement, révolte.

I did my very best, and looked for many interesting pages, by reading them in English language, in the Web! This exercise took me more than four hours just for the word about the seventh question! But I have not found the good answer ! Sorry, I can't do anymore!
Have a sweet but also a great week!
Good luck to the players!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/268 de afarodj, postée le 17-08-2018 à 17:11:42 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.
1- A synonym of "nothing". ..... (g t n h) 2.-Naught.- Néant.
2- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (l n g t) 2.-Tingle.-Fourmillement.
3- Food for farm animals. ..... (d r f d) 2 .-Fodder.-Fourrage.
4- Pleasant to look at. ..... (m c l) 3.- Comely.-Avenant.
5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. ..... (p s) 2 .- Seep.-Suinter.
6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (h d g n) 2 .- Dinghy (rubber)-Aéroglisseur.
7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. ..... (c k r) 1 .- Reek????
8- Hard or boring work. ..... (f g) 1 .- Fag : First known use 1772 and now fag is an insulting word as well (M.Webster dic.).-
9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. ..... (g b l n) 2.- Bangle.-Jonc.
10- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p l v h) 4.- Upheaval.-Chambardement.
Question 7 : Reek might be suitable in this case since a ' c r k' plus one vowel word is desperately infindable. So a new word with the same definition has 'rk' minus the 'c' consonant and a vowel in more which makes two in all, instead of one single vowel of the previous search. I hope I'm not mistaken otherise....
Jonc : Anneau ou bracelet dont le cercle est de grosseur uniforme (Larousse).

Réponse : The missing vowels/268 de swan85, postée le 21-08-2018 à 22:13:52 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- A synonym of "nothing". NAUGHT (g t n h) 2
2- To feel a prickling sensation. TINGLE (l n g t) 2
3- Food for farm animals. FODDER (d r f d) 2
4- Pleasant to look at. COMELY (m c l) 3
5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. SEEP (p s) 2
6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. DINGHY (h d g n) 2
7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. REEK ? (c k r) 1 Désolée mot non trouvé avec « C »
8- Hard or boring work. FAG (f g) 1
9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. BANGLE (g b l n) 2
10- A great change or disturbance. UPHEAVAL (p l v h) 4

PS : "7" on Macmillan dictionary I found : STINK as a very strong unpleasant smell and other words lile : ICKY - ACRID.....

Have a nice week
See you

Réponse : The missing vowels/268 de daisy50, postée le 22-08-2018 à 20:25:09 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try "de dernière minute" I am very occuped actually.

1- A synonym of "nothing". ..... naught

2- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... tingle

3- Food for farm animals. ..... fodder

4- Pleasant to look at. ..... comely

5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. ..... seep

6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... dinghy

7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. ..... le temps m'a manqué pour faire une recherche approfondie

8- Hard or boring work. ..... fag

9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. ..... bangle

10- A great change or disturbance. ..... upheaval

Pardon Marit de vous avoir consacré si peu de temps cette semaine, je suis en plein bricolage!

See you tonight and have a nice week!

Bonjour à toute l'équipe!

Réponse : The missing vowels/268 de flowermusic, postée le 22-08-2018 à 20:46:16 (S | E)
Hello Dear Marit

Ouf il était temps de poster

1- A synonym of "nothing". ..... (g t n h) 2 naught

2- To feel a prickling sensation. ..... (l n g t) 2 tingle

3- Food for farm animals. ..... (d r f d) 2 fodder

4- Pleasant to look at. ..... (m c l) 3 comely

5- To flow slowly through a very small opening. ..... (p s) 2 seep

6- A small boat carried on a larger boat to take passengers ashore. ..... (h d g n) 2 dinghy

7- A strong, usually unpleasant smell. ..... (c k r) 1 (c k r) 1 reek ?

8- Hard or boring work. ..... (f g) 1 fag

9- A bracelet worn on the arm or leg. ..... (g b l n) 2 bangle

10- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p l v h) 4 upheaval

See you soon, very soon


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