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Message de floriandx posté le 09-08-2018 à 03:52:14 (S | E | F)
je dois traduire un texte très important pour des entretiens, pouvez-vous me dire si ma traduction est correct svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

"Je m’appelle Florian xxx, j’ai 22 ans.
J’ai effectué une classe préparatoire spécialité économie au lycée xxx de xxx en raison de l’intérêt particulier que je porte à l’économie et parce que cette voie correspond bien à mon projet professionnel concernant le commerce équitable.

En ce qui concerne ma personnalité, je me décris comme quelqu’un de plutôt intuitif, curieux, ouvert d’esprit. Aussi, je me décris comme imaginatif. Je peux relier ce côté imaginatif à mon goût pour la création et la littérature, ce qui m’a également poussé à écrire des textes dont certains que je compte publier plus tard, ainsi qu’une œuvre personnelle, en partie autobiographique. Parce que de plus j’ai été inspiré par des œuvres telles que La Métamorphose de Franz Kafka, qui se caractérise par un style d’écriture très particulier et représente une très belle métaphore des relations sociales, et qui est une œuvre que j’apprécie car j’ai beau être idéaliste, j’aime la littérature réaliste qui se confronte au monde tel qu’il est, avec ces réalités, ces failles et car c’est une œuvre qui me touche personnellement puisque mon histoire est tout autant kafkaïenne.
Je me décris également comme quelqu’un d’empathique ayant tendance à se concentrer sur l'harmonie sociale et la coopération. En effet, je suis quelqu'un de très touché par les autres et sensible à ce qu'ils peuvent penser, ressentir. Les valeurs de partage et de solidarité sont très importantes pour moi. C’est notamment pour ça que j’ai décidé de devenir bénévole au sein de l’association Action contre la faim dans laquelle je suis amené à participer à des actions de communication, de sensibilisation et de levée de fonds comme par exemple en organisant des collectes de dons dans les centres commerciaux ou bien en participant à l’organisation de courses solidaires par exemple pour financer les programmes de l’association en Irak.
Ainsi, au sein de votre école, j’aimerais avoir l’occasion de poursuivre dans cette voie en participant à la réalisation de projets humanitaires."

"My name is Florian xxx, I’m 22 years old.
I decided to go in a preparatory class speciality economics at the high school xxx at xxx because I like economics and because this cursus is particularly linked with my professional project about fair trade.

Concerning my personality, I can describe myself as somebody rather intuitive, curious, open-minded. Moreover, I can describe myself as an imaginative person. I can make ihe link between the imaginative aspect of my personality and my interest for creation and literature, because I write texts and I wish publish some of them in the future. Furthermore, currently, I start to write a book more personal, with a autobiographic dimension. Because, moreover, I have been inspired by some works as The Metamorphosis writing by Franz Kafka, which is a particular work because of the particular writing style of the writer and because of the fact that it represents a beautiful metaphor of social relations. Furthermore, it’s a work that I like because even if I’m idealistic, I like realistic literature which confronts itself to the world as it is, with its ralities, its breaches. And I like this work because it impacted me because my personal story is pretty similar.
, I can describe myself too as somebody empathetic who focus his attention on social harmony and cooperation. In fact, I feel really concerned by the other and I feel concerned about what they can think and feel. The values of sharing and solidarity are very important for me. That’s especially for that reason that I decided to become a volunteer in the association « Action contre la faim » in which I bring my help in communication actions, awareness actions and in fundraising for example by organizing collections of donations in the shopping malls or by participating in the organization of solidar united runs for example in order to finance the programs of the association in Irak.

So, in your school, I would have the opportunity to continue in that way by bringing my help in the realization of humanitarian projects."

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-08-2018 06:38

Réponse : Traduction/entretien de gerondif, postée le 11-08-2018 à 01:46:34 (S | E)
On dirait que votre texte est traduit mot-à mot en gardant l'ordre des mots français...

"My name is Florian xxx, I’m 22 years old.
I decided to go in a preparatory class speciality economics (structure à revoir, spécialisé en)at the high school xxx at xxx because I like economics and because this cursus is particularly linked with (to) my professional project about fair trade.

Concerning my personality, I can describe myself as somebody rather intuitive, curious, open-minded. Moreover, I can describe myself as(répétition) an imaginative person. I can make the link between the imaginative aspect of my personality and my interest for creation and literature, because I write texts and I wish to publish(I would like to publish, I plan to publish) some of them in the future. Furthermore, currently, I start(be+ ing) to write a book more personal(à mettre devant le nom), with a autobiographic dimension. Because, moreover(saugrenu placé ainsi), I have been inspired by some works as(like, on est en comparaison ici) The Metamorphosis writing(participe passé) by Franz Kafka, which is a particular work because of the particular writing style of the writer and because of the fact that it represents a beautiful metaphor of social relations. Furthermore, it’s a work that I like because even if I’m idealistic, I like realistic literature which confronts itself to the world as it is, with its ralities, its breaches. And (commencer une phrase par et n'est pas très académique) I like this work because it impacted me because my personal story is pretty(trop familier) similar.
I can describe myself too as somebody empathetic who focuses his attention on social harmony and cooperation. In fact, I feel really concerned by the others and I feel concerned about what they can think and feel. The values of sharing and solidarity are very important for me. That’s especially for that reason (it is for that very reason that I ...)that I decided to become a volunteer in the association « Action contre la faim » in which I bring my help in communication actions, awareness actions and in fundraising for example by organizing collections of donations in the shopping malls or by participating in the organization of solidar(mot inconnu) united runs for example in order to finance the programs of the association in Irak.

So, in your school, I would have the opportunity to continue in that way by bringing my help in(to) the realization of humanitarian projects."

Réponse : Traduction/entretien de floriandx, postée le 12-08-2018 à 23:36:43 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici la version que j'ai corrigé avec vos indications :

I decided to go to a preparatory class specialise in economics at the high school Alfred Kastler at Cergy-Pontoise because I like economics and because this cursus is particularly linked to my professional project about fair trade.

Concerning my personality, I can describe myself as somebody rather intuitive, curious, open-minded. Moreover, I am an imaginative person. I can make ihe link between the imaginative aspect of my personality and my interest for creation and literature, because I write texts and I plan to publish some of them in the future. Furthermore, currently, I have starting to write a more personal book, with an autobiographic dimension. Because I have been inspired by some works like The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka, which is a particular work because of the particular writing style of the writer and because of the fact that it represents a beautiful metaphor of social relations. Furthermore, it’s a work that I like because even if I’m idealistic, I like realistic literature which confronts itself to the world as it is, with its ralities, its breaches. And I like this work because it impacted me because my personal story is very similar.
, I can describe myself too as somebody empathetic who focuses his attention on social harmony and cooperation. In fact, I feel really concerned by the others and I feel concerned about what they can think and feel. The values of sharing and solidarity are very important for me. It is for that very reason that I decided to become a volunteer in the association « Action contre la faim » in which I bring my help in communication actions, awareness actions and in fundraising for example by organizing collections of donations in the shopping malls or by participating in the organization of united runs for example in order to finance the programs of the association in Irak.

So, in your school, I would have the opportunity to continue in that way by bringing my help to the realization of humanitarian projects.


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