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Difference than/ that

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Difference than/ that
Message from emilio posted on 28-07-2018 at 00:47:16 (D | E | F)
Hello ,
It is my first time, my English is very bad, sorry for it...
My question is, what is the difference between than and that.
Thank you very much
Best regards

Edited by lucile83 on 28-07-2018 08:00

Re: Difference than/ that from gerondif, posted on 28-07-2018 at 12:44:43 (D | E)
That can be a demonstrative adjective:
Don't sit on this chair (near you), sit on that chair (far from you).
That can be a demonstrative pronoun: Take that !
That can be a conjunction : I know that he is absent, I think that he will be back tomorrow.
That can be used to insist :Hey ! Stop that ! I am not THAT stupid (I am not so stupid as you think)
You can carry that suitcase, can't you ? It isn't THAT heavy !

Than is used when there is a comparative:
Your car is faster, bigger and more expensive than mine.
I make more money than he does. He makes less money than I. He has fewer friends than I have.
He works more than me . I work less than him./less than he does.

Be careful: He is taller than me . He is twice as tall as me, he is three times as fast as me.

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