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The missing vowels /260

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The missing vowels /260
Message de marit64 posté le 20-06-2018 à 23:19:46 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (h p t t g r) 3

2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. ..... (h p w) 2

3- Bringing rest. ..... (t l r f s) 2

4- Very bad, ugly etc. ..... (h t g s l) 2

5- A synonym of "cautious". ..... (h r c) 2

6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. ..... (p s t l)

7- To be too proud "to do something". ..... (n d s d) 4

8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. ..... (g p) 1

9- A stain, mark or fault. ..... (m l h b s) 2

10- To have no confidence or trust in. ..... (t m r s s t) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de daisy50, postée le 21-06-2018 à 11:40:22 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ... tightrope

2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. .... whoop

3- Bringing rest. .... restful

4- Very bad, ugly etc. ... ghastly

5- A synonym of "cautious". .... chary

6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. .... steeple

7- To be too proud "to do something". .... disdain, mais il me manque une voyelle ???

8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. .... peg

9- A stain, mark or fault. .... blemish

10- To have no confidence or trust in. .... mistrust

Have a good week, Marit, and thanks for this new exercise!

See you later!

Bonjour à toute la famille "missing vowels".

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de chocolatcitron, postée le 22-06-2018 à 01:30:51 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 260 marit64 posté le 20-06-2018 à 23:19:46

Hello my dear Marit, thank you for playing with us in your new missing vowels.
Hi Everybody, specially to the "Fine Equipe"!

Here is my work :
1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. (h p t t g r) 3 tightrope = fil. (funambule)
2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. (h p w) 2 whoop = cri de joie.
3- Bringing rest. (t l r f s) 2 restful = reposant, paisible.
4- Very bad, ugly etc. (h t g s l) 2 ghastly = épouvantable.
5- A synonym of "cautious". (h r c) 2 chary = précautionneux.
6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. (p s t l) steeple = clocher.
7- To be too proud "to do something". ..... (n d s d) 4 ??? je ne sais pas, j'ai fait tous les synonymes français, sans trouver ta correspondance demandée, not very Lucky this week !...
8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. (g p) 1 gap = trou, ouverture, vide ???
9- A stain, mark or fault. (m l h b s) 2 blemish = imperfection, tache, défaut.
10- To have no confidence or trust in. (t m r s s t) 2 mistrust = méfiance.

Have a great week, all of you!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de sanna6, postée le 24-06-2018 à 22:01:39 (S | E)
Hello Marit and Hello Everybody

I thank you very much Marit for this new Missing Vowels...It's always interesting to do

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (h p t t g r) 3 Tightrope - Corde sur lequel marche ou se balance les équilibristes

2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. ..... (h p w) 2 Whoop - Cri de joie ou de triomphe

3- Bringing rest. .....(t l r f s) 2 Restful - Reposant

4- Very bad, ugly etc. ..... (h t g s l) 2 Ghastly - Horrible

5- A synonym of "cautious". ..... (h r c) 2 Chary - Précautionneux

6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. ..... (p s t l) Steeple - Clocher (d'une église)

7- To be too proud "to do something". ..... (n d s d) 4 Disdain - Dédaigner

8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. ..... (g p) 1 Peg - Pince

9- A stain, mark or fault. ..... (m l h b s) 2 Blemish - Imperfection

10- To have no confidence or trust in. ..... (t m r s s t) 2 Mistrust - Douter

Have a nice week!

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de afarodj, postée le 25-06-2018 à 09:02:36 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (h p t t g r) 3. - Tightrope.- Corde raide.

2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. ..... (h p w) 2. - Whoop.- Youpi.

3- Bringing rest. ..... (t l r f s) 2. - Restful.-Reposant.

4- Very bad, ugly etc. ..... (h t g s l) 2. - Ghastly.- Horrible.

5- A synonym of "cautious". ..... (h r c) 2. - Chary.- Prudent.

6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. ..... (p s t l). - Steeple.- Clocher.

7- To be too proud "to do something". ..... (n d s d) 4. - Disdain.-Dédain.

8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. ..... (g p) 1. - Peg.-Piquet.

9- A stain, mark or fault. ..... (m l h b s) 2. - Blemish.-Défaut.

10- To have no confidence or trust in. ..... (t m r s s t) 2. - Mistrust.- Méfier(se).

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de swan85, postée le 27-06-2018 à 13:28:04 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello everybody

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. TIGHTROPE (h p t t g r) 3
2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. WHOOP (h p w) 2
3- Bringing rest. RESTFUL (t l r f s) 2
4- Very bad, ugly etc. GHASTLY (h t g s l) 2
5- A synonym of "cautious". CHARY (h r c) 2
6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. STEEPLE (p s t l)
7- To be too proud "to do something". DISDAIN (n d s d) 4
8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. PEG (g p) 1
9- A stain, mark or fault. BLEMISH (m l h b s) 2
10- To have no confidence or trust in. MISTRUST (t m r s s t) 2

Thank you for this exercise.
Have a nice week

Réponse : The missing vowels /260 de flowermusic, postée le 27-06-2018 à 21:42:27 (S | E)
Hello Dear Marit

At home (avec bon clavier

1- A tightly-stretched rope or wire on which acrobats balance. ..... (h p t t g r) 3 tightrope

2- A loud cry of delight, triumph etc. ..... (h p w) 2 whoop

3- Bringing rest. ..... (t l r f s) 2 restful

4- Very bad, ugly etc. ..... (h t g s l) 2 ghastly

5- A synonym of "cautious". ..... (h r c) 2 chary

6- A high tower of a church etc, usually having a spire. ..... (p s t l) steeple

7- To be too proud "to do something". ..... (n d s d) 4 disdain (mais 3 voyelles)

8- A usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something. ..... (g p) 1 peg

9- A stain, mark or fault. ..... (m l h b s) 2 blemish

10- To have no confidence or trust in. ..... (t m r s s t) 2 mistrust

See you soon very soon


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