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The missing vowels/259

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The missing vowels/259
Message de marit64 posté le 13-06-2018 à 22:24:11 (S | E | F)

Sorry for the delay, I had some problems with my old computer and finally I had to buy a new one.

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Today, all the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. ..... (c n l r t) 2

2- A strong, bad smell. ..... (t h n s c) 1

3- To make or become black. ..... (k b n c l) 2

4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. ..... (r s m p r) 3

5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. ..... (l v l) 3

6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. ..... (s h h t) 4

7- A long narrow row of hills. ..... (g r d) 2

8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (n g n c n) 2

9- The highest point or tip (of something). ..... (p x) 2

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-06-2018 à 00:31:05 (S | E)
The missing vowels/259 from Marit64.
Hello my dear Marit, happy to see you again, after all that time!
Hi everybody, and specially to « La Fine Équipe » !

Here is my work:
1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. (c n l r t) 2 lectern = pupitre.
2- A strong, bad smell. (t h n s c) 1 stench = puanteur.
3- To make or become black. (k b n c l) 2 blacken = noircir.
4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. (r s m p r) 3 primrose = primevère.
5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. (l v l) 3 volley = volée.
6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. (s h h t) 4 hothouse = serre.
7- A long narrow row of hills. (g r d) 2 ridge = dorsale.
8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (n g n c n) 2 cunning = malin, rusé.
9- The highest point or tip (of something). (p x) 2 apex = sommet.
10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. (v s l b) 5 oblivious = inconscient.

Thanks Marit, it was funny and really easy for me, but I've learnt a lot !
Have a great but very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de flowermusic, postée le 14-06-2018 à 08:59:56 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Toute la fine équipe est heureuse de retrouver son chef d!orchestre

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. ..... (c n l r t) 2 lectern

2- A strong, bad smell. ..... (t h n s c) 1 stench

3- To make or become black. ..... (k b n c l) 2 blacken

4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. ..... (r s m p r) 3 primrose

5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. ..... (l v l) 3 volley

6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. ..... (s h h t) 4 hothouse

7- A long narrow row of hills. ..... (g r d) 2 ridge

8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (n g n c n) 2 cunning

9- The highest point or tip (of something). ..... (p x) 2 apex

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5 oblivious

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de sanna6, postée le 14-06-2018 à 17:25:39 (S | E)
Hello Marit and Everybody

Trop bien de vous revoir

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. ..... (c n l r t) 2 Lectern - Pupitre

2- A strong, bad smell. ..... (t h n s c) 1 Stench - Puanteur

3- To make or become black. ..... (k b n c l) 2 Blacken - Noircir

4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. ..... (r s m p r) 3 Primrose - Primevère

5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. ..... (l v l) 3 Volley - Volée

6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. ..... (s h h t) 4 Hothouse - Serre

7- A long narrow row of hills. ..... (g r d) 2 Ridge - Crête

8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (n g n c n) 2 Cunning - Fourbe

9- The highest point or tip (of something). ..... (p x) 2 Apex - Sommet

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5 Oblivious Inconscient

A very nice week for everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de swan85, postée le 14-06-2018 à 21:51:48 (S | E)
Hello Marit and happy to see you again.

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. (c n l r t) 2 LECTERN
2- A strong, bad smell. (t h n s c) 1 STENCH
3- To make or become black. (k b n c l) 2 BLACKEN
4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. (r s m p r) 3 PRIMROSE
5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. (l v l) 3 VOLLEY
6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. (s h h t) 4 HOTHOUSE
7- A long narrow row of hills. (g r d) 2 RIDGE
8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. (n g n c n) 2 CUNNING
9- The highest point or tip (of something). (p x) 2 APEX
10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. (v s l b) 5 OBLIVIOUS

Thanks a lot.
Have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de afarodj, postée le 17-06-2018 à 18:01:15 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit I'm very happy knowing you're in good health.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. ..... (c n l r t) 2.- Lectern.- Pupitre.
2- A strong, bad smell. ..... (t h n s c) 1.Stench.- Pestilence.
3- To make or become black. ..... (k b n c l) 2.- Blacken.-Noircir.
4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. ..... (r s m p r) 3.- Primrose.- Primevère.
5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. ..... (l v l) 3.- Volley.- Reprise de volée.
6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. ..... (s h h t) 4.- Hothouse.-Serre chaude.
7- A long narrow row of hills. ..... (g r d) 2.- Ridge.-Crête.
8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ..... (n g n c n) 2.- Canning.-Fourbe.
9- The highest point or tip (of something). ..... (p x) 2.- Apex.- Point culminant.
10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ..... (v s l b) 5.- Oblivious.- Distrait.

Réponse : The missing vowels/259 de daisy50, postée le 18-06-2018 à 19:57:27 (S | E)
Very happy, Marit, to see you again. Many thanks for this new exercise.

Here is my try :

1- A stand for holding a book etc to be read from, especially for a lecture or in a church. .... lectern

2- A strong, bad smell. ... stench

3- To make or become black. ... blacken

4- A kind of pale yellow spring flower common in woods and hedges. .. primrose

5- In tennis, the hitting of a ball before it bounces. ... volley

6- A glass-house kept warm for growing plants in. ... hothouse

7- A long narrow row of hills. ... ridge

8- Sly; clever in a deceitful way. ... cunning

9- The highest point or tip (of something). .. apex

10- Unaware of or not paying attention to. ... oblivious

Gardez-vous en bonne santé Marit, toute l'équipe vous apprécie beaucoup.

See you soon!


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