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Grammatical mistakes/help

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Grammatical mistakes/help
Message from abdul posted on 09-02-2018 at 13:17:41 (D | E | F)
Please read the message and mention my grammatical mistakes.
Thank you so much in advance.

This theoretical research is based on the effectiveness of Schoology Platform as a significant tool for teaching language and culture. The objective inside the classroom is motivating students, using technology in order to improve their language skills and culture knowledge. Furthermore, the use of the virtual media in education creates an active class of teachers and learners, preparing them for the real world. This method is modern and innovative, it can be easy to manage, and students can learn in a better way.
At present, the new generation of teenagers has the advantage of being born in the digital era, with daily use of social networks. This has helped educators to provide effective teaching in the second language, since these educational technologies are used in every way and form, helping students demonstrate their potential for collaborative learning. An article published by (Mulyono, 2016)“Using Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language” demonstratedMulyono experience using the platform. She had the opportunity to use the virtual English learning platform for four months and found it useful to promote learning in her students. She dominated the platform instantaneously because the features were easy to use. This platform was a viable alternative to her to assign tasks to the students, since it gives the teachers access to the supervision of assigned tasks. The article demonstrated how useful the platform is for teachers to exposed students to L2, facilitated interaction between teachers, students and between teachers and students. The article showed that technology has helped the teacher to be updated in teaching; the platforms offer teachers to experiment the activities of teaching the English language in an easy and practical way.
An study published by (Wichadee, 2017)A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral Proficiency and Motivation, demonstrates how important the use of a technological tool is for the improvement of the teaching and learning process of the English language. The study demonstrates that a more productive academic performance was showed in students that used Edmodo in language learning than students that received classes with a traditional method Presentation-Practice-Production(PPP). The study was centered on two groups, each one with 42 English language students. The first group was taught in a face to face learning environment using PPP whereas the second group used a blending learning, mixing the PPP method supported by Edmodo, creating an online learning.
The findingsin this study showed that the use of blending learning produced an active learning and motivation that contribute for a better academic performance in students, comparing with the traditional approach PPP.One reason found is that students had certain control about what and how they were learning. It also showed a positive attitude to Edmodo because they believed that Edmodocould helps them to improve their language proficiency. The findings also showed that a blending learning can help teachers to save time for classes with long activities; furthermore it is a great way to maintain students engaged and organized. The author of this Study just proves that the application of a blending method using technology in education is beneficial to students because the technology responds to their necessities and different types of learning, and it’s beneficial to teachers , because they can have a better control of students performance even outside of the classrooms.
The present research aims to describe the usefulness of instructional technology. The objective to achieve this by applying a combination of different based methodologies. Behaviorist and communicative task based activities are the focus on this study. The ultimate goal is to foster the acquisition of correct pronunciation, not just in isolated exercises, but in spontaneous speech linked to meaningful discourse (AbouHaidar&Llorca, 2016). In this study they enrolled students in two courses of the 2016 spring semester (Level 1 [CEFR A1] and Level 2 [CEFR A2]). The students studied French for four years in secondary school, or more in private institutes. In general, the results of this study show us that their speech was strongly accented to the point of preventing intelligibility, in particular at a Level 1. Learners acquire their ability with the aimed spoken language largely through the in-class and out-of-class preparation of dialogues that enables them to create short video clips which they record using their mobile phones. Thus, encountering different pronunciation problems. There being little time for in-depth work on pronunciation in class, the great part of phonetic correction are undertaken out of class of Schoolshape.

I am very thankful for your help and time.

Edited by lucile83 on 09-02-2018 13:55

Re: Grammatical mistakes/help from gerondif, posted on 09-02-2018 at 19:13:23 (D | E)
mistakes in blue, suggestions in green
This theoretical research is based on the effectiveness of Schoology Platform as a significant tool for teaching language and culture. The objective inside the classroom is motivating students, using technology in order to improve their language skills and culture knowledge. Furthermore, the use of the virtual media in education creates an active class of teachers and learners, preparing them for the real world. This method is modern and innovative, it can be easy to manage, and students can learn in a better way.
At present, the new generation of teenagers has the advantage of being born in the digital era, with daily use of social networks. This has helped educators to provide effective teaching in the second language, since these educational technologies are used in every way and form, helping students demonstrate their potential for collaborative learning. An article published by (Mulyono, 2016)“Using Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language” demonstrated Mulyono's experience using the platform. She had the opportunity to use the virtual English learning platform for four months and found it useful to promote learning in her students. She dominated the platform instantaneously because the features were easy to use. This platform was a viable alternative to her to assign tasks to the students, since it gives the teachers access to the supervision of assigned tasks. The article demonstrated how useful the platform is for teachers to exposed(infinitive of aim) students to L2, facilitated(infinitive) interaction between teachers, students and between teachers and students. The article showed that technology has helped the teacher to be updated in teaching; the platforms offer teachers (either: the platforms offer teachers an opportunity to experiment..., or The platforms allows teachers to experiment) to experiment the activities of teaching the English language in an easy and practical way.
An( a study, an article) study published by (Wichadee, 2017)A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral Proficiency and Motivation, demonstrates how important the use of a technological tool is for the improvement of the teaching and learning process of the English language. The study demonstrates that a more productive academic performance was showed in students that used Edmodo in language learning than in students that received classes with a traditional method Presentation-Practice-Production(PPP). The study was centered on two groups, each one with 42 English language students. The first group was taught in a face to face learning environment using PPP whereas the second group used a blending learning, mixing the PPP method supported by Edmodo, creating an online learning.
The findings in this study showed that the use of blending learning produced an active learning and motivation that contribute for a better academic performance in students, comparing with (compared to) the traditional approach PPP.One reason found is that students had certain control about what and how they were learning. It also showed a positive attitude to Edmodo because they believed that Edmodo could helps( no s) them to improve their language proficiency. The findings also showed that a blending learning can help teachers to save time for classes with long activities; furthermore it is a great way to maintain (keep) students engaged and organized. The author of this Study (why this capital letter ?) just proves that the application of a blending method using technology in education is beneficial to students because the technology responds to their necessities (to their needs would be more logical) and different types of learning, and it’s beneficial to teachers, because they can have a better control of students performance(students' performance. If it is a compound noun, the first element is invariable : student behaviour, student performance) even outside of the classrooms.
The present research aims to describe the usefulness of instructional technology. The objective is to achieve this by applying a combination of different based methodologies. Behaviorist and communicative task based activities are the focus on this study. The ultimate goal is to foster the acquisition of correct pronunciation, not just in isolated exercises, but in spontaneous speech linked to meaningful discourse (AbouHaidar&Llorca, 2016). In this study they enrolled students in two courses of the 2016 spring semester (Level 1 [CEFR A1] and Level 2 [CEFR A2]). The students (had)studied French for four years in secondary school,(they must have done it beforehand, otherwise we would be in 2020, 2016 + 4) or more in private institutes. In general, the results of this study show us that their speech was strongly accented to the point of preventing intelligibility, in particular at a Level 1.(I suppose you turn into the present tense to express a general truth. If you described what the students did, it would be in the preterite) Learners acquire their ability with the aimed spoken language largely through the in-class and out-of-class preparation of dialogues that enables them to create short video clips which they record using their mobile phones. (Normally, you should have a comma here, and no comma after thus)Thus, encountering different pronunciation problems. There being little time for in-depth work on pronunciation in class, the great part of phonetic correction are (correction is singular and are plural !) undertaken out of class of Schoolshape.

Re: Grammatical mistakes/help from dsmith, posted on 09-02-2018 at 23:16:55 (D | E)
Hello, gerondif made excellent suggestions. Here are a few more. Corrections in blue, suggestions in green

This theoretical research is based on the effectiveness of the Schoology Platform (lower case as this is not part of it's name) as a significant tool for teaching language and culture. The objective inside the classroom is motivating students, using technology in order to improve their language skills and culture knowledge (you need the adjective form of culture because here it modifies knowledge = cultural...or you could write "knowledge of culture"). Furthermore, the use of the (virtual media is uncountable so can't use the) virtual media in education creates an active class of teachers and learners, preparing them for the real world. This method is modern and innovative, it can be easy to manage, and students can learn in a better way.
At present, the new generation of teenagers has the advantage of being born in the digital era, with daily use of social networks. This has helped educators to provide effective teaching in the (I think this is ok but I prefer "a" to mean any second language, not a specific one) second language, since these educational technologies are used in every way and form, helping students demonstrate their potential for collaborative learning. An article published by (Mulyono, 2016)“Using Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language” demonstrated Mulyono's experience using the platform. She had the opportunity to use the virtual English learning platform for four months and found it useful to promote learning in her students. She dominated (I think a better word is "mastered" the platform instantaneously because the features were easy to use. This platform was a viable alternative to her to assign tasks to the students, since it gives the teachers access to the supervision of assigned tasks. The article demonstrated how useful the platform is for teachers to exposed(infinitive of aim) students to the L2, facilitated(infinitive) interaction between teachers, students and between teachers and students. The article showed that technology has helped the teacher to be updated in teaching (I prefer "up-to-date in teaching methods"; the platforms offer teachers (either: the platforms offer teachers an opportunity to experiment..., or The platforms allows teachers to experiment) to experiment with the activities of teaching the English language in an easy and practical way.
An( a study, an article) study published by (Wichadee, 2017)A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral Proficiency and Motivation, demonstrates how important the use of a technological tool is for the improvement of the teaching and learning process of the English language. The study demonstrates that a more productive academic performance was showed (observed/measured/shown (showed is past tense while shown is the past participle used with auxillary verbs) in students that used Edmodo in language learning than in students that received classes with a traditional method Presentation-Practice-Production(PPP). The study was centered on two groups, each one with 42 English language students. The first group was taught in a face to face learning environment using PPP whereas the second group used a blending (blended - adjective modifying learning) learning, mixing the PPP method supported by Edmodo, creating an online learning need another word here...online learning experience? an online learning atmosphere?.

Re: Grammatical mistakes/help from dsmith, posted on 09-02-2018 at 23:37:09 (D | E)

The findings in this study showed that the use of blending (blended) learning produced an active learning and motivation that contribute for (contribute to) a better academic performance in students, comparing with (compared to) the traditional approach PPP.One reason found is that students had certain control about (control over) what and how they were learning. It also showed a positive attitude to Edmodo because they believed that Edmodo could helps( no s) them to improve their language proficiency. The findings also showed that a blending learning can help teachers to save time for classes with long activities; furthermore it is a great way to maintain (keep) students engaged and organized either keep students engaged and organized or maintain students' engagement and organization). The author of this Study (why this capital letter ?) just proves that the application of a blending method using technology in education is beneficial to students because the technology responds to their necessities (to their needs would be more logical) and different types of learning, and it’s beneficial to teachers, because they can have a better control of students performance(students' performance. If it is a compound noun, the first element is invariable : student behaviour, student performance) even outside of the classrooms.
The present research aims to describe the usefulness of instructional technology. The objective is to achieve this by applying a combination of different based (base or basic) methodologies. Behaviorist and communicative task based activities are the focus of this study. The ultimate goal is to foster the acquisition of correct pronunciation, not just in isolated exercises, but in spontaneous speech linked to meaningful discourse (AbouHaidar&Llorca, 2016). In this study they enrolled students in two courses of the 2016 spring semester (Level 1 [CEFR A1] and Level 2 [CEFR A2]). The students (had)studied French for four years in secondary school,(they must have done it beforehand, otherwise we would be in 2020, 2016 + 4) or more in private institutes. In general, the results of this study show us that their speech was strongly accented to the point of preventing intelligibility, in particular at a Level 1.(I suppose you turn into the present tense to express a general truth. If you described what the students did, it would be in the preterite) Learners acquire their ability with the aimed (target) spoken language largely through the in-class and out-of-class preparation of dialogues that enables them to create short video clips which they record using their mobile phones. (Normally, you should have a comma here, and no comma after thus)Thus, encountering different pronunciation problems. There being little time for in-depth work on pronunciation in class, the great part of phonetic correction are (correction is singular and are plural !) undertaken out of class of Schoolshape.
(in the Schoolshape language lab.)

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