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Language impairments and teachers

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Language impairments and teachers
Message de margotgx posté le 01-02-2018 à 16:42:32 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone,

My name is Margot and I am a student in the Pedagogical Accessibility Master. In parallel with my studies, I am educational coordinator in an association which offers tutoring classes for children with SLI.

As part of my studies, I'm working on a project called "Teaching and specific language and learning impairments:The importance of applied linguistics knowledge to create specialized teaching practices adapted to students with SLI".

Since this project is in English, I would like to be able to talk with teachers working in an English-speaking country with children with speech and learning disabilities in order to get their feedback.

Do not hesitate to contact me,

See you soon, I hope !


Modifié par webmaster le 02-02-2018 11:29


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