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Is putting out /does put out

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Is putting out /does put out
Message from mohammad51 posted on 15-01-2018 at 15:22:07 (D | E | F)
I got this question online, please help me.
Hi, what time..... this evening?
a- does the train put out
b- is the train putting out
The page chose b as a correct answer, but still there is some doubt about it as someone said; with transportation, the present simple tense is only the fit one.
Is it right or wrong?

Edited by lucile83 on 15-01-2018 15:57

Re: Is putting out /does put out from here4u, posted on 15-01-2018 at 16:39:27 (D | E)
Hello !
Strange sentence, really...
You "put out a light, or a fire..." but a train "pulls into/ out of/ a station".
Here, the moment of the action is set in the future, therefore, you need a present in -ing (which expresses a near future!)=> "what time is the train arriving this evening?" (entering the station/ pulling into the station, this evening?)
There are very simple rules and you should learn them!

Re: Is putting out /does put out from gerondif, posted on 15-01-2018 at 22:04:56 (D | E)
it's probably pull out of the station....

Re: Is putting out /does put out from dsmith, posted on 17-01-2018 at 17:04:30 (D | E)
The simple present is also used for future events that are known.
What time does the train arrive this evening?
The train arrives at 6pm.
See the following english grammar site:

I don't understand the concept of a train "putting out"...never heard that for a train.

Re: Is putting out /does put out from mohammad51, posted on 18-01-2018 at 15:29:34 (D | E)
Thank you all
It may be mistyping (pull out and not put out) as you recommended, however, my question was about which tenses likely are more correct.
I received an email from xxx also they said both tenses can be used.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-01-2018 15:42

Re: Is putting out /does put out from gerondif, posted on 19-01-2018 at 10:37:10 (D | E)
Yes, but there is no reason why we should leave that mistake (put out = extinguish. pull out = leave) uncorrected. When I was a foreign lecturer in Britain in the 70's, I would always tell " the story of my life " to the people I met, using the same phrases and sentences, until one day, somebody told me : "You can't say this, you have to say that" and then I was a little angry with all the people who had made me believe that my story was correct by not correcting it. I thought that, because I had tried it on a lot of native speakers, it was bulletproof !

Concerning the tenses used, it depends how you view your sentence:
I am going to a meeting tonight /this evening: I am informing somebody of a project I have for tonight. It has been decided, it is settled.
What time does the train leave on Mondays ? refers to a schedule and the present tense would be appropriate.

If you say "What time does the train leave this evening?" you probably find it more important to think that it will always leave at that same time on that day, because of a schedule.

If you say "What time is the train leaving this evening ? " the idea has just sprung into your mind and you want an answer for something that will happen in the near future, tonight.

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