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The missing vowels/243

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The missing vowels/243
Message de marit64 posté le 10-01-2018 à 23:22:22 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Since Holidays are over, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- Goods being carried from place to place. ..... (g t f h r) 2

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ..... (s c m h)

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ..... (d l g) 2

4- A point of view. ..... (p v t w n) 4

5- To spend or give freely. ..... (v h l s) 2

6- To horrify or shock. ..... (p l p) 2

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ..... (l b g) 2

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ..... (m t p s)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de afarodj, postée le 11-01-2018 à 01:46:05 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for this new exercice.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- Goods being carried from place to place. ..... (g t f h r) 2 .-Freight.-Fret.

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ..... (s c m h) .-Chasm.-Gouffre.

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ..... (d l g) 2 .-Lodge- Loge.

4- A point of view. ..... (p v t w n) 4 .-Viewpoint. - Point de vue.

5- To spend or give freely. ..... (v h l s) 2 .-Lavish.- Prodiguer.

6- To horrify or shock. ..... (p l p) 2 .-Appal.-Épouvanter.

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4 .-Rheumatism.- Rhumatisme.

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 .-Deaden.- Affaiblir.

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ..... (l b g) 2 .-Bugle.- Clairon.

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ..... (m t p s) .-Stomp.- Piétiner.

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-01-2018 à 02:17:56 (S | E)
The missing vowels-243
Message de marit64 posté le 10-01-2018 à 23:22:22
Hello my dear Marit, thank you, it was funny to find them.
Hi everybody, and specially « our fine équipe ! »

Here is my work:
1- Goods being carried from place to place. (g t f h r) 2 freight = fret.
2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. (s c m h) chasm = gouffre, abîme.
3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. (d l g) 2 lodge = cabine, abri, cabane, hutte...
4- A point of view. (p v t w n) 4 viewpoint = point de vue, panorama.
5- To spend or give freely. (v h l s) 2 lavish = prodiguer, couvrir de cadeaux.
6- To horrify or shock (p l p) 2 appal = consterner, atterrer, horifier.
7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. (m h t s r m) 4 rheumatism = rhumatisme.
8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. (d n d) 3 deaden = amortir, endormir, calmer, étouffer, anesthésier, affaiblir...
9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. (l b g) 2 bugle = sorte de trompette, clairon.
10- To stamp or tread heavily. (m t p s) stump = stomp = marcher d'un pas lourd.
Have a nice week, all of you!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de daisy50, postée le 12-01-2018 à 10:25:40 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

1- Goods being carried from place to place. ..... (g t f h r) 2 freight

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ..... (s c m h) chasm

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ..... (d l g) 2 lodge

4- A point of view. ..... (p v t w n) 4 viewpoint

5- To spend or give freely. ..... (v h l s) 2 lavish

6- To horrify or shock. ..... (p l p) 2 appal

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4 rheumatism

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 deaden

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ..... (l b g) 2 bugle

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ..... (m t p s) stomp

I had fun as you suggested it to us !

Many thanks Marit. Have a great week ! See you later !

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de sanna6, postée le 13-01-2018 à 17:27:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit Hello Everyone

1- Goods being carried from place to place. ....Freight - Cargaison / fret

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ...Chasm - Gouffre

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ... Lodge - Loge

4- A point of view. ... Viewpoint - Point de vue

5- To spend or give freely. ...To lavish - Prodiguer

6- To horrify or shock. ...To appal - Scandaliser

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4 (I hope to find it before Wednesday !) ..With a little help I found : rheumatism - Rhumatisme

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ...To deaden - Calmer

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ... Bugle - Clairon

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ...To stamp - Taper du pied

I thank you very much for these words Marit!
A nice week for everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de swan85, postée le 15-01-2018 à 15:00:15 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- Goods being carried from place to place. FREIGHT (g t f h r) 2
2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. CHASM (s c m h)
3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. LODGE (d l g) 2
4- A point of view. VIEWPOINT (p v t w n) 4
5- To spend or give freely. LAVISH (v h l s) 2
6- To horrify or shock. APPAL (p l p) 2
7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. RHEUMATISM (m h t s r m) 4
8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. DEADEN (d n d) 3
9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. BUGLE (l b g) 2
10- To stamp or tread heavily STOMP (m t p s)

Thank you for these exercises.
See you.

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de peticha, postée le 16-01-2018 à 22:36:49 (S | E)
The missing vowels/243
Message de marit64 posté le 10-01-2018 à 23:22:22 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit!
Hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Since Holidays are over, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

Here is my try, before being too late:
1- Goods being carried from place to place. ..... (g t f h r) 2 freight: fret.

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ..... (s c m h) chasm: gouffre.

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ..... (d l g) 2 lodge: cabane.

4- A point of view. ..... (p v t w n) 4 viewpoint: panorama.

5- To spend or give freely. ..... (v h l s) 2 lavish: prodiguer.

6- To horrify or shock. ..... (p l p) 2 appal: consterner.

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4 rheumatism: rhumatisme.

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 deaden: anesthésier.

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ..... (l b g) 2 bugle: clairon... c'est corrigé, marit64...

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ..... (m t p s) il y en a deux : stomp = stump: marcher d'un pas lourd.

Good luck and have fun! Yes, it was, thank you dear marit64, the 7 th sentence was very easy but I searched for a very long time.

Have a great week!

So long

Modifié par peticha le 18-01-2018 00:43

Réponse : The missing vowels/243 de flowermusic, postée le 17-01-2018 à 07:44:52 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

J'ai failli oublié de poster

1- Goods being carried from place to place. ..... (g t f h r) 2 freight

2- A deep opening between high rocks etc. ..... (s c m h) chasm

3- A small house, especially one at a gate to the grounds of a large house. ..... (d l g) 2 lodge

4- A point of view. ..... (p v t w n) 4 viewpoint

5- To spend or give freely. ..... (v h l s) 2 lavish

6- To horrify or shock. ..... (p l p) 2 appal

7- A disease which causes stiffness and pain in one's joints. ..... (m h t s r m) 4 rheumatism

8- To lessen, weaken or make less sharp, strong etc. ..... (d n d) 3 deaden

9- A musical wind instrument usually made of brass used chiefly for military signals. ..... (l b g) 2 bugle

10- To stamp or tread heavily. ..... (m t p s) stomp ... et stump

See you soon


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