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The missing vowels/242

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The missing vowels/242
Message de marit64 posté le 03-01-2018 à 22:58:02 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

One more time, the numbers of vowels are given in the sentences because you probably need some rest after your Holidays.

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. ..... (l t p) 2

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ..... (p t n r s d n) 4

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ..... ( x l) 1

4- Without purpose. ..... (m s l s) 3

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ..... (v t r) 2

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ..... (h w s s t g l) 3

7- A small V-shaped cut. ..... (c n t h) 1

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h s b) 1

10- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (t t t b) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de chocolatcitron, postée le 03-01-2018 à 23:50:28 (S | E)
The missing vowels-242
Message de marit64 posté le 03-01-2018 à 22:58:02 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit! Thanks a lot...
Hi everybody!, particulièrement les habitués, notre fine équipe !...

Here is my work:
1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. (l t p) 2 plait = natte, tresse.
2- A synonym of "to supervise". (p t n r s d n) 4 superintend = surveiller.
3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ( x l) 1 lax = négligent, lâche.
4- Without purpose. (m s l s) 3 aimless = sans but.
5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. (v t r) 2 rivet = rivet.

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. (h w s s t g l) 3 weightless = en apesanteur, en état d'apesanteur, très léger.
7- A small V-shaped cut. (c n t h) 1 notch = entaille, cran, encoche.
8- To close tightly together. (h l c n c) 1 clench = serrer.
9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. (r h s b) 1 brash = effronté, impertinent.
10- A tasty little piece of food. (t t t b) 2 titbit = friandise.
Good luck and have fun!
Yes, it was pleasant playing with your great missing vowels, thank you !
Have a nice week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de peticha, postée le 04-01-2018 à 00:53:23 (S | E)
The missing vowels-242
Message de marit64 posté le 03-01-2018 à 22:58:02 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit and thank you!
Hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

One more time, the numbers of vowels are given in the sentences because you probably need some rest after your Holidays.
Here is my try:
1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. ..... (l t p) 2 plait: tresse, natte.

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ..... (p t n r s d n) 4 superintend: surveiller.

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ..... ( x l) 1 lax : lâche, négligent.

4- Without purpose. ..... (m s l s) 3 aimless: sans but.

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ..... (v t r) 2 rivet: rivet.

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ..... (h w s s t g l) 3 weightless: en état d'apesanteur.

7- A small V-shaped cut. ..... (c n t h) 1 notch: encoche, entaille.

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1 clench: serrer.

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h s b) 1 brash: impertinent, effronté.

10- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (t t t b) 2 titbit: friandise.

Yes, it was a funny exercise, thank you so much.

Have a great week!

So long. Good luck to our team...

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de afarodj, postée le 04-01-2018 à 07:53:25 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new exercice.

Hi everybody .

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over oneanother in turn. ..... (l t p) 2.- Plait.- Tresse.

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ..... (p t n r s d n) 4 .- Superintend.- Diriger.

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ..... ( x l) 1.- Lax.-Laxiste.

4- Without purpose. ..... (m s l s) 3 .- Aimless.-Sans objectif.

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ..... (v t r) 2.- Rivet.- Rivet.

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ..... (h w s s t g l) 3.- Weightless.- Apesanteur.

7- A small V-shaped cut. ..... (c n t h) 1.- Notch.-Rainure.

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1.- Clench.-Serrer.

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h s b) 1.- Brash.- Effronté.

10- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (t t t b) 2.- Titbit.- Friandise.

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de swan85, postée le 04-01-2018 à 18:34:32 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

Thank you very much for this exercise.

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. PLAIT (l t p) 2
2- A synonym of "to supervise". SUPERINTEND (p t n r s d n) 4
3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. LAX ( x l) 1
4- Without purpose. AIMLESS (m s l s) 3
5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. RIVET (v t r) 2
6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. WEIGHTLESS (h w s s t g l) 3
7- A small V-shaped cut. NOTCH (c n t h) 1
8- To close tightly together. CLINCH (h l c n c) 1
9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. BRASH (r h s b) 1
10- A tasty little piece of food. TITBIT (t t t b) 2

Have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de flowermusic, postée le 05-01-2018 à 08:34:26 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Que l'année se poursuive toujours aussi productive pour la fine équipe

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. ..... (l t p) 2 plait

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ..... (p t n r s d n) 4 superintend

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ..... ( x l) 1 lax

4- Without purpose. ..... (m s l s) 3 aimless

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ..... (v t r) 2 rivet

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ..... (h w s s t g l) 3 weightless

7- A small V-shaped cut. ..... (c n t h) 1 notch

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1 clench

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h s b) 1 brash

10- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (t t t b) 2 titbit

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de daisy50, postée le 05-01-2018 à 10:35:48 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. ..... (l t p) 2 plait

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ..... (p t n r s d n) 4 superintend

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ..... ( x l) 1 lax

4- Without purpose. ..... (m s l s) 3 aimless

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ..... (v t r) 2 rivet

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ..... (h w s s t g l) 3 weightless

7- A small V-shaped cut. ..... (c n t h) 1 notch

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1 clench

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ..... (r h s b) 1 brash

10- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (t t t b) 2 titbit

Thanks Marit for this exercise a little difficult today. Have an excellent week! See you soon!
Bonjour à toute la famille "missing vowels".

Réponse : The missing vowels/242 de sanna6, postée le 09-01-2018 à 07:24:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit Hello Everyone

1- A length of hair arranged by dividing it into sections and passing these over one another in turn. ...Plait - Tresse

2- A synonym of "to supervise". ...To superintend - Superviser

3- Careless or not strict in discipline or morals. ...Lax - Laxiste

4- Without purpose. ...Aimless - Sans but

5- A sort of metal nail; a bolt for fastening plates of metal together. ...Rivet - rivet

6- Not affected by the earth's gravity pull. ...Weightlessness - apesanteur Weightless

7- A small V-shaped cut. ...Notch - Encoche / Entaille

8- To close tightly together. ..... (h l c n c) 1 Clinch ...Oups ! The good word is : To Clench

9- Cheekily self-confident and impolite. ...Brash - Effronté

10- A tasty little piece of food. ...Titbit - friandise

I thank you very much Marit for this new Missing Vowels
Hope a nice week for everyone

Modifié par sanna6 le 11-01-2018 22:13

Modifié par sanna6 le 18-01-2018 04:11


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