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Lettre/ motivation

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Lettre/ motivation
Message de julia26 posté le 08-12-2017 à 12:27:15 (S | E | F)
J'ai une lettre de motivation à envoyer pour un programme d'échange entre étudiants en pharmacie du monde entier. On fait un stage dans le pays d'accueil et les étudiants sur place nous font visiter. La lettre sera lue par les responsables du programme en France et dans les pays d'accueil (mes vœux : Indonésie, Slovénie, Lituanie) et par des maitres de stage. J'aimerais donc savoir s'il y des fautes ou des choses mal dites.
Merci d'avance

"Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Julia Nikolic and I am a third year student of pharmacy in the Institute of Pharmaceutical et Biological Sciences of Lyon. I have discovered the Student Exchang Program by looking for the various possibilities of international mobility during the pharmacy’s curriculum. I would therefore like to submit you my application.

This program has imediatly interested me because it is a rewarding experience both in term of human and professionnal. It gives the possibility to the pharmacy’s students of the whole world to meet and exchange on their culture, their lifestyle and the practice of their future profession. Discover a new country with students who live in this same country is for me the best way of seeing all of its aspects. I could also discover how pharmacy is practised in another country and how this profession is taught everywhere in the world. Indeed I could meet students coming from different countries over the world who take part at the SEP in the same place. It allows us to get to know each other and to visit our host country together. It give us an real openness.

Moreover, I think that in the present context of globalization, we must be mobile and know how to adapt ourselves. My professional ambition is to work abroad, in medicinal plants research or in a community herbalist pharmacy, this traineeship bring me an interesting experiment of what my professional life would be.

Dynamic, involved and well organized, I will be able to realize all the work required. Futhermore, I have learned the team spirit because of my job in a community pharmacy and in a farm corporation. These experiments and my formation allowed me to acquire skills which will satisfy you. I’m very passionate by my sector and this programme could be real shot and a considerable contribution in my private life and professional carreer.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to an answer which I hope would be favorable, yours faithfully."

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-12-2017 13:50


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