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Message de jonjon29 posté le 23-11-2017 à 18:48:13 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous !
Je dois envoyer un mail pour une demande de stage à un chercheur de Manchester. J'ai donc traduit mon texte, mais je pense que plusieurs fautes doivent s'y être glissées... Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui serait à changer ?
Merci d'avance !

Mr xxxxxx,
Having not received a response from you in the email last Monday, I allow myself to revive.
I am currently studying in the 3rd year of a degree in biology and geology at xxxxxx, and I am looking for a one to three month internship in an anglophone country, in micropaleontological, palynological and paleoclimatic themes. Ms. xxxxx redirected me to you because you will be, like me, present at the thesis defense of xxxxxx the 01st December next. Maybe it could be an opportunity to exchange about it ?
This internship would allow me to develop the skills I acquired during my previous internship at IUEM, xxxxx (lieux), with xxxxx, while improving my English, necessary because I want to lead a thesis to work in this environment.
I am serious, invested in my work and smiling, which allows me to acclimatize quickly to a new environment while carrying out my project.

I hope that you will be able to accept me in your laboratory of Manchester for these few weeks / months, or that you will be able to help me to find an internship in another English laboratory, and I am naturally at your disposal to meet you or for any information.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,

P.S: In case you did not receive my e-mail last Monday, I would like to send it back to you below.
Please find attached to this e-mail a copy of my CV (in french) that details my past experience.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-11-2017 21:40

Réponse : Aide/Manchester de jonjon29, postée le 27-11-2017 à 20:46:33 (S | E)
J'ai vraiment besoin d'envoyer ce mail rapidement, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ???


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