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The missing vowels/236

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The missing vowels/236
Message de marit64 posté le 22-11-2017 à 22:44:25 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (h s m r b) 2

2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. ..... (l w t) 1

3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. ..... (l f w l) 2

4- To say definitely. ..... (s t r s) 2

5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. ..... (k h k)

6- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1

7- A short heavy stick. ..... (c t n r h n) 3

8- To complain. ..... (c r h g) 2

9- Friendly teasing. ..... (t b r n) 2

10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. ..... (t c h s) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/236 de daisy50, postée le 22-11-2017 à 23:53:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Here is my try :

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (h s m r b) 2 rhombus

2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. ..... (l w t) 1 welt

3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. ..... (l f w l) 2 fallow

4- To say definitely. ..... (s t r s) 2 assert

5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. ..... (k h k) khaki

6- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 prod

7- A short heavy stick. ..... (c t n r h n) 3 truncheon

8- To complain. ..... (c r h g) 2 grouch

9- Friendly teasing. ..... (t b r n) 2 banter

10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. ..... (t c h s) 2 scythe

Thanks a lot again Marit for this exercise.

Have a nice sunny week if it's possible! See you later.

Bonjour à toutes et tous.

Réponse : The missing vowels/236 de chocolatcitron, postée le 23-11-2017 à 01:32:24 (S | E)
The missing vowels-236
Message de marit64 posté le 22-11-2017 à 22:44:25 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit ! Thank you so much for this new exercise.
Hi everybody!

Here is my work :
1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. (h s m r b) 2 rhombus = losange.
2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. ..... (l w t) 1 ( avec ces lettres, placées différemment, je n'ai trouvé que welt = vergetures, marque, papule, et wilt = se faner, s'affaiblir... qui ne correspondent pas du tout à la définition... une bande accrochée à la bordure d'un vêtement, pour le renforcer ou l'orner... j'ai pensé galon, extrafort, cordon, embase, bouton, cordelière, feston, renfort, ourlet, raccommoder, repriser... pas douée pour la couture !
3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. (l f w l) 2 fallow = en jachère.
4- To say definitely. (s t r s) 2 assert = déclarer que, revendiquer, affirmer que...
5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. (k h k) kakhi = de couleur vert-jaune.
6- To push with something pointed; to poke. (r p d) 1 prod = aiguillonner, piquer, pousser du doigt, ou avec un bâton.
7- A short heavy stick. (c t n r h n) 3 trucheon = matraque.
8- To complain. (c r h g) 2 grouch = ronchonner, bougonner.
9- Friendly teasing. (t b r n) 2 banter = badiner, plaisanter.
10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. (t c h s) 2 scythe = une faux.
Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/236 de afarodj, postée le 23-11-2017 à 10:52:19 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new exercice.
Hi everybody .
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (h s m r b) 2 .-Rhombus.- Losange.

2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. ..... (l w t) 1 .-Welt.- Passepoilé, Trépointe.

3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. ..... (l f w l) 2 .-Fallow (Land).- Terre en friche.

4- To say definitely. ..... (s t r s) 2 .-Assert.- Affirmer.

5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. ..... (k h k) .-Khaki.- Kaki (couleur).

6- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 .-Prod.- Aiguilloner.

7- A short heavy stick. ..... (c t n r h n) 3 .-Truncheon.- Matraque.

8- To complain. ..... (c r h g) 2 .-Charge (to).- Plaindre (se).

9- Friendly teasing. ..... (t b r n) 2 .-Banter.- Badinage.

10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. ..... (t c h s) 2 .-Scythe.- Serpe.

Réponse : The missing vowels/236 de swan85, postée le 27-11-2017 à 20:29:26 (S | E)
Here are my answers to your new exercise.

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. RHOMBUS (h s m r b) 2

2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. WELT (l w t) 1

3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. FALLOW (l f w l) 2

4- To say definitely.ASSERT (s t r s) 2

5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. KHAKI (k h k)

6- To push with something pointed; to poke. PROD (r p d) 1

7- A short heavy stick TRUNCHEON (c t n r h n) 3

8- To complain. GROUCH (c r h g) 2

9- Friendly teasing. BANTER (t b r n) 2

10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. SCYTHE (t c h s) 2

See you.

Réponse : The missing vowels/236 de flowermusic, postée le 29-11-2017 à 00:03:06 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

J'ai failli oublier de poster

1- An equilateral parallelogram, other than a square. ..... (h s m r b) 2 rhombus

2- A band or strip fastened to an edge of an article of clothing for strength or for ornament. ..... (l w t) 1 welt

3- A land left to its own natural growth and not planted with seeds. ..... (l f w l) 2 fallow

4- To say definitely. ..... (s t r s) 2 assert

5- A dull brownish or greenish yellow. ..... (k h k) khaki

6- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 prod

7- A short heavy stick. ..... (c t n r h n) 3 truncheon

8- To complain. ..... (c r h g) 2 grouch

9- Friendly teasing. ..... (t b r n) 2 banter

10- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass etc. ..... (t c h s) 2 scythe

Have a sweet sweet week


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