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The missing vowels/235

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The missing vowels/235
Message de marit64 posté le 16-11-2017 à 23:28:38 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Once again, you will have all the numbers of vowels in the sentences.

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. ..... (c s r s) 2

2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. ..... (t d s) 1

3- To shine faintly. ..... (l g m) 2

4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. ..... (r n r c) 3

5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. ..... (z b) 3

6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. ..... (k h w c s r) 2

7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. ..... (m y) 1

8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. ..... (t s r) 2

9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. ..... (d d s l l n) 3

10- Something which cannot be doubted. ..... (t c n t r) 4

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2017 23:34

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de daisy50, postée le 17-11-2017 à 00:32:03 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. ..... (c s r s) 2 recess

2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. ..... (t d s) 1 stud

3- To shine faintly. ..... (l g m) 2 gleam

4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. ..... (r n r c) 3 carrion

5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. ..... (z b) 3 baize

6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. ..... (k h w c s r) 2 rickshaw

7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. ..... (m y) 1 yam

8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. ..... (t s r) 2 stray (dog, cat etc)

9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. ..... (d d s l l n) 3 landslide

10- Something which cannot be doubted. ..... (t c n t r) 4 certainty

Many thanks, Marit, for this pleasant exercise.

Have an excellent week and see you later!

Un grand bonjour à toutes et tous.

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de sanna6, postée le 17-11-2017 à 07:46:24 (S | E)

I thank you very much for your new Missing vowels Marit and I wish you a nice week

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. ... Recess - Un renfoncement / Alcôve

2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. ...Stud / Clou décoratif

3- To shine faintly. ...To gleam / Luire

4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. ... Carrion / Charogne

5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. ...Baize / Feutrine - Tapis de jeu

6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. ...Rickshaw / Pousse-pousse

7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. ...Yam / Patate douce

8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. ...Stray / Animal errant

9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. ...Landslide / Glissement de terrain

10- Something which cannot be doubted. ...Certainty / Certitude

A nice week for everybody

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de afarodj, postée le 17-11-2017 à 09:50:14 (S | E)

Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new exercice.
Hi everybody .

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. ..... (c s r s) 2 .-Recess.- Alcôve

2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. ..... (t d s) 1 .-Stud.- Goujon.

3- To shine faintly. ..... (l g m) 2 .-Gleam.- Miroiter.

4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. ..... (r n r c) 3 .-Carrion.- Charogne.

5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. ..... (z b) 3 .-Baize.- Tapis pour table de jeu.

6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. ..... (k h w c s r) 2 .-Rickshaw.- Pousse pousse.

7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. ..... (m y) 1 .-Yam.- Igname.

8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. ..... (t s r) 2 .-Stray.- Animal errant.

9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. ..... (d d s l l n) 3 .- Landslide.- Éboulis.

10- Something which cannot be doubted. ..... (t c n t r) 4 .- Certainty.- Certitude.

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de flowermusic, postée le 17-11-2017 à 12:09:34 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Et salut aux déjà présents et à ceux à venir

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. ..... (c s r s) 2 recess

2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. ..... (t d s) 1 stud

3- To shine faintly. ..... (l g m) 2 gleam

4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. ..... (r n r c) 3 carrion

5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. ..... (z b) 3 baize

6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. ..... (k h w c s r) 2 rickshaw

7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. ..... (m y) 1 yam

- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. ..... (t s r) 2 stray

9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. ..... (d d s l l n) 3 landslide

10- Something which cannot be doubted. ..... (t c n t r) 4 certainty

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de swan85, postée le 21-11-2017 à 20:46:12 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hello Everybody

1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. RECESS (c s r s) 2
2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. STUD (t d s) 1
3- To shine faintly. GLEAM (l g m) 2
4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. CARRION (r n r c) 3
5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. BAIZE (z b) 3
6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. RICKSHAW (k h w c s r) 2
7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. YAM (m y) 1
8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. STRAY (t s r) 2
9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. LANDSLIDE (d d s l l n) 3
10- Something which cannot be doubted. CERTAINTY (t c n t r) 4

Thank you very much for these interesting words.
Nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/235 de chocolatcitron, postée le 23-11-2017 à 00:16:16 (S | E)
The missing vowels/235
Message de marit64 posté le 16-11-2017 à 23:28:38
Hello my dear Marit : I'm late, but you know why... Sorry ! Thank you very much for this new game ! I had fun!
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A part of a room set back from the main part; an alcove. (c s r s) 2 recess = alcôve.
2- A knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration. (t d s) 1 stud = clou.
3- To shine faintly. (l g m) 2 gleam = briller, miroiter...
4- Dead animal flesh, eaten by other animals. (r n r c) 3 carrion = charogne.
5- A type of coarse woollen cloth, often green, usually used for covering card-tables etc. (z b) 3 baize = feutrine, tapis de table.
6- In Japan etc, a small two-wheeled carriage pulled by a man. (k h w c s r) 2 rickshaw = pousse-pousse.
7- Any of several kinds of potato-like tropical plants used as food. (m y) 1 yam = patate douce.
8- A cat, dog etc that has strayed and has no home. (t s r) 2 stray = errant.
9- A piece of land that falls down from the side of a hill. (d d s l l n) 3 landslide = glissement de terrain.
10- Something which cannot be doubted. (t c n t r) 4 certainty = certitude.

Have a sweet week!
See you soon.


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